Friday, December 29, 2006

R and R in Power: Place Your Bets on Blairs' Place for 07/08

Luke Akehurst is confused. Here he wonders lonely as a clot what's the fuss about Tony Blair's excursion to see Lord Bee Gee whereas here he provides a helpful link to an off shore betting service.


Luke Akehurst said...

I can assure you that I'm not confused.

The real issue is one of extradition. There are fewer and fewer places in which Tony could seek respite and have a decent rest in peace, the bloody FCO now having signed extradition agreements with such countries as Cuba, Haiti, Iraq, Liberia, Nicaragua, Romania, Tonga and Serbia.

Even in Northern Cyprus and North Korea you are not safe these days. The prospect of extraordinary rendition leaves such a bad taste in the mouth.

I think the best best is in Barbados with Sir Clifford Riches (2/1) where not only do we not have an extradition treaty but, of course, we have God on our side.

Chris Paul said...

God On Our Side - was that one of Cliff's early numbers? And Luke, while you're there what are the policies of all these places about hanging people, hang by dates, videoing hangings, placing on YouTube etc etc?? This may have a bearing. Barbados are still hanging and flogging a bit aren't they?

Luke Akehurst said...

What a peasant! With God On Our Side was written by Bob Dylan - a man with politics and personal habits almost certainly closer to yours than to mine.

I think it best that Tony spends his future holidays in Blackpool and Minehead so there is no chance of being offered a black hood...

After all, I suspect that he may not have quite the dignity with which Saddam approached the trapdoor. It would look very bad to see The Great Leader scream and cry and wet himself.

Chris Paul said...

I'll see your 'peasant!' and raise you a 'mob of plebians'. Dylan's is surely a learnéd homage to and arguably a better translation of Virgil's Annuit Coeptis from the Aeneid (30BC?) which as every good scholar knows is generally transalated as "God has favored our undertaking" though it really means "God likes the way we've started". It is on the Great Seal (1782), the Legion of Merit medal and of course on every greenback dollar ever printed by the state since 1935, and by some fluke the vast majority of those printed by other organisations. Below the pyramid with its eye of surveillance and other dodgy symbolism is Ordo Seclorum which your friends the Neocon armsdealers and hawks translate as "New World Order" but really means the slightly different "New Order of the Ages".

Chris Paul said...

PS Tony Blair and George Dubya Bush were apparently among the six hooded assassins who assisted Saddam in his martyrdom. They screamed, cried and wet themselves just watching.