Monday, January 22, 2007

Labour: Withington Selection

While the Lib Dems are poring the streets for (un)likely hoaxes, scares and scams, not to mention MP's A Fraud Warnings some excellent Labour Women are rallying to the Red Flag. Jenny, Lucy, Naheed, Nargis and Yogesh have identified themselves as selection hopefuls so far. Any one of them would of course knock the ineffectual Mr Leech into a cocked hat.

The hoaxes that the Lib Dems have on the go at the moment are pretty feeble. "Tower Blocks" at the University in Didsbury - actual height three or four storeys. Job Centre closure at Chorlton - staff there were really chuffed to read about that in the papers. Thanks John mate. Cemetary-Gate - with ridiculous rumours about sensible plans. Plus the generic soft on crime stuff. Though they are still looking to the "On Hard Drugs" line to win friends in the 'burbs.

More on Brendan's Beauties anon.


Anonymous said...

Interesting. That last line especially. Is there any truth in the rumour which is "rushing" round here that the tip off from Lib Dem "high" ups which turned into disciplinary proceedings and an attempted putsch in city centre ward was related to this Liberal Democrat 'On hard drugs' line?

With one of theirs already trying to make the Jenny Tongue / Chris Davies dream of cocaine available in every corner shop a reality? But ahead of the legislation? That's the speculation on the streets around the Vale.

Did the "high" up whistle blowers take a U-Turn, not only to try to stitch up our friend and neighbour the down to earth Kenny but because the dealer in their midst knew where the trails of white powder led? Which was not only to ASBO kids on the estates?

Excellent blog Chris. It is about time someone starting exposing some of the meatier Lib Dem shenanigans. The papers are just not doing their job at the moment.

Chris Paul said...

Would the Clayton Boggart please make contact with me direct:
idea at mcr1 dot poptel dot org dot uk

Your insider information goes further than what I have already been told by my aviary of disloyal Lib Dem canaries. Please provide more details as I would love to blog this.

Will Parbury said...

"Excellent blog Chris. It is about time someone starting exposing some of the meatier Lib Dem shenanigans. The papers are just not doing their job at the moment."

Here here

Chris Paul said...

Thanks both - still not heard back from TCB ...