Liam Fox: Stinketh at Both Nose and Tail
Foot-in-Mouth Liam Fox has been spotted by Guido calling for Poland and Hungary to be chucked out of NATO for not keeping their end up. Comments demonstrate the extremely low esteem in which this twister is held by his Tory colleagues. And as it goes Liam's ruling would see the cheese eating surrender monkeys of France kicked out too.
The commentary even suggests that Liam was a useless failure in being the Tory campaign poster boy supposed to discover the new Saatchi. He simply choked and spluttered when launching the above Tory poster he accused Labour of telling lies and was asked straight off the bat whether he had ever told any lies in his political career. Splutter, choke, blush, silence.
LoL researchers are still looking for the TV footage of that crowning moment in his career. Tips appreciated.There may be a case that slipping from 11-2 close second favourite for the leadership to abject failure trumped the "lying Liam" moment.
According to his own side can't even hit a barn door with a football at five yards in his current defective defence role. He can't even claim to be getting any column inches like his disgracefully hypocritical Lib Dem opponent Willie Rennie. The man interested in both selling and banning cluster bombs.
Chris this obsession is getting to be worse than the Leech one.
Which one? The Liam Fox (2% of blog entries) or the Wilie Rennie and John Leech Clustering (a bit more)? And doesn't the latter count as part of a John Leech fixation?
The clustering one.
Mark that down as part of the Leech and general Fib Dems one.
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