Parburypolitica on Blunkett: What Does HADAW Stand For?
Will Parbury has last evening owned up as a Sun reader and also exposed David Blunkett's enormous members' interests.
Ho ho ho, I'll leave the member-obsessed Tory Bloggers here and here to have some hilarious punny or possibly puny fun with that.
The register of members' interests however shows up to £200,000 on top of David's Westminster salaries and compensations flowing direct to our hero. It shows he is receiving some land rentier benefit from a second home in London. And a further sum of up to £390,000 flowing to HADAW Productions and Investments Limited. Of which David is a Director and Shareholder but from which he had not at the time of his last declaration drawn any remuneration.But does HADAW already stand for something? "Get Rich Quick" or "Forget the Socialist Republic of South Yorkshire" don't seem to work. Can any reader suggest what the acronym or perhaps ancient Yorkie dialect banter may represent?
CAPTIONS: I understand why "Blunkett" and "Sun" could have turned up the top image at Google. And I can see the relevance of the laughter to "Blunkett" and "Cash". But I'm not sure why this peculiar weed showed up on the self same search.
Boring answer: HADAW is an acronym based on his name and the names of his sons, as was reported widely in the media when they set the company up last year to invest the money recieved from the (disappointing) sales of his diaries.
I think it's:
Thanks Gregg. I would nonetheless still invite readers to submit alternative acronyms. And sales may be disappointing but the advances and serialisations and the £3,000 a week to burble in The Sun aren't so bad!
In my defence all I can say is that I usually get the Guardian. It was a motorway service station where I got it. It seemed like a good idea at the time.
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