Glass Houses and Stone Throwing: The Smith Institute vs The Policy Exchange
Iain Dale suggests that anonymous but he alleges "New Labour" trolls take up sticks and stones rather than throwing their ugly words at him. But he is very clearly very upset.
The Manic Tim Ireland has spotted that while Guido and Iain have been throwing a lot of stones at The Smith Institute, which does seem to have been coasting a little close to the cold wind of Charity Law, Mr Dale is being inconsistent. Living in a glass house. He shouldn't throw stones. Iain is Trustee of a Tory-orientated Trust similar to but worse than the allegedly Labour-oriented one he is heroically nicking Guido's stories on.
It is The Policy Exchange which Timbo "Manic" Ireland thinks we should be told about. Detail on the Good Ship TPE and her Trustees HERE.
TOP IMAGE: ever ready Theo Spark.
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