ParburyPolitica: Who's A Pretty Boy Then?
Hats off to the arms-across-the-atlantic Will Parbury for finding this one.
How can Mr Edwards be sure that Hillary's people are not taking swabs from his face to test for substances of abuse? Italian journos did just that, with the co-operation of TV make up artistes, to some of their MPs and caught quite a few. And as Barack has coughed (along with Dave/id) does that mean that the substances of abuse meme is dead in modern politics?
That nasty man Oliver and his Standard chums got it quite wrong. He dusted the cistern tops in some of the loos in the shared area at the 05 conference in Brighton for cocaine. Presumably as a non-user himself he didn't know that "shared area" means the parts of the venue where cokey journalists are allowed to go to powder their noses between binge drinking sessions. He may have been cleaning up after his own editor. Standard's weedy story RIGHT HERE. Press Gazette tease as "Associated gets sniffy" HERE. The story in a nutshell being that they had invested in 20 cocaine testing kits for a society wedding which they were unable to get into. So they tackled the journalists loos at London Fashion Week and at the Brighton Conference instead. Ab Fab!
The Evening Standard missed much of the unfolding Walter-Gate saga as they snorted at politicians. They were scooped by The Morning Star in fact. The swab route is clearly the right route. And do I recognize that Monica Lewinsky co-starring in John's video? Perhaps she feels she still owes Hillary a few favours? Or perhaps she just likes the cut of John's jib?
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