Wednesday, March 14, 2007

Chris Paul: Labour of Love

In case there is any doubt whatsoever that this is my personal blog which answers to no woman, man or supreme being I will be wrestling with the Blogger drag and drop design tools later today and moving my personal blog statement to the top left hand corner (meanwhile find it in the bottom left hand corner). Withington selection news index will continue to be near the top left with significant posts - listed most recent first - beneath the YOUR ENDORSEMENTS link.

UPDATE: Having just been hit by a freak lightning strike I'd like to change my stance on answering to no supreme beings. The God Zeus is way cool. Advice welcome anytime my thunderous friend.


Anonymous said...

this chris paul, who is she ?
she seems to be very upset. is this because the chorlton char lady has been by passed by the liberal defector angela ?

comeback to me if you dare.


Chris Paul said...

jona: what are you on about? please do explain