Friday, March 09, 2007

Elections in the North: Slugger O'Toole, plus the Raytheon Nine, Protesting Against Lib Dem's Murderous Hobby Horse

Have been meaning to blog on the elections in the North of Ireland and indeed on my recent visit to the frontline. But meanwhile I'd recommend Slugger O'Toole for results and commentary.

Particularly good to see a link with the Raytheon9 who have been charged under the Terrorism Act (meaning a Diplock Court) for protesting against the cluster bomb and bunker buster makers Raytheon which Lib Dem chancer Willie Rennie MP has been bigging up while simultaneously standing up with Cllr John Leech MP and others pretending to slam their products.

HERE Labour of Love scripted an attack advert against this Cluster of Lib Dem Bombers; HERE we speculated about the fibber Rennie and the fibber Leech's poor re-election prospects; and HERE with links to earlier Fib Dem and LoL stories we wished Willie a happy Burns Night.

What fuckwitted hypocrites these Lib Dems are. Slugger's picture shows Eamonn McCann, Social Environmentalist Alliance candidate for the Foyle constituency (and I think one of the Raytheon 9). "If destroying some Raytheon computers saved just one life, it was worth it."

Hat tip to Iain Dale for reminding me about Slugger's works.


Anonymous said...

Revelations about Willie Rennie MP in your links really hit home Chris. It is amazing that this level of hypocrisy has yet to gain more coverage in the mass media. What on earth was Leech doing cosying up to a lobbyist for the arms trade? Is he completely and utterly stupid?

Chris Paul said...

Yes, it does increasingly look as if he is completely and utterly stupid. If Brunel actually gave him a degree they should ask for it back and injunct him from claiming to be an alumnus.