Monday, March 19, 2007

Hillary 1984: "Barack Obama's" Classy Advert Gets Monstered by "Vote Smart"

Didn't find the big one (above) on Iain Dale's Diary. That would be the smaller one (below left, right with intro). I just let my own fingers do the walking. Is this accusing Senator Clinton of being a self-hating woman a precursor for Republicans to monster each candidate in turn using the Democrats' own material? Is it even the Democrats' own material? God this stuff is dirty. Would these Republican Trolls prefer Newt Gingrich or Rudy Guiliani for their feminism and their shenanigans? Clearly this very defamatory and ugly attack advert is not produced by the real Vote Smart which abhors negative campaigning. As well as ripping off a Barack Obama attack ad - which may well have nothing to do with BO, still less Apple and may instead be a "delete hillary" pre-roll, again trying to damage BOTH leading Democrat contenders - they are passing off as Vote Smart. Still no spoofs of Blair's "Am I bovvered?". Quite a way to get yet to reach The American Way. Thank goodness for that.

Just now I cannot find the Apple Superbowl advert "Think Different" on which these are all based.

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