Wednesday, March 21, 2007

John Bolton: Bush's Cheerleader Claiming He Was "Only Following Orders"

My, how very unpopular GW Bush's Iraq Strategy (and United Nations Strategy for that matter) has become when Mr John Bolton, wild-eyed and rather Stalin-moustachioed Bush ultra is now using the excuses so recently not employed by one Oliver Finegold when harrassing a certain Local Government politician at a party for the LGB Community.

Incidentally the Judgement from Ken's trial showed the absolute short shrift the Judge gave to Finegold and The Standard's arguments. Particularly in light of an unexplained exision from the famous tape and transcript. An exision which has received insufficient attention from the press who are presumably protecting their own.

Newsnight, including budget analyses and debate, with DC back to left parting after dabbling with centrism, and even Ming's own people nodding off during his bit, available ONLINE for 24 hours.

Bolton's apostacy is 32 minutes in.

Frank Luntz's GIMMICKY FOCUS is also there.

I've seen less manipulative and more scientific medium shows with Mystic Rose.

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