Friday, March 16, 2007

Lord Bradley: Voting More, Against the Party Line, But With His Peers

Lord B is voting more. 75.4% in the Lords so far versus 74% in his last Commons stint. Hurrah!

As far as I can understand he is voting against the government quite a bit (hurrah!) but he is not counted as a rebel on the Lords Reform stuff. Though he defied the government.

Because most of his Labour peers did the same turkeys NOT VOTING FOR CHRISTMAS thing. They were FOR a 100% Appointed House. Monarchy, Aristocracy, Fealty, Expenses, Spin offs. Marvellous.

Lord Bradley:
AGAINST: 20, 40, 50, 60, 80 and 100% elected.
FOR: 100% appointed.
Also Marvellous.

Where are the pictures of Lord Bradley in ermine? Keith has been and continues to be a great guy. But I could never support this last series of votes or the whole anti-democracy carve-up kind of thing.

UPDATE: Thanks to Baroness Thatcher for forwarding her picture.


Anonymous said...

The Tories are going to unleash hell on working people.
Read my blog!

Chris Paul said...

Miles: What you're doing is called "astroturfing" among serious bloggers, new media journalists and viral marketeers. Off topic postings saying "look at me!". Have you no comment on the topic at hand? It's only polite.

Anonymous said...

I voted with Keith and think what he is doing to perpetuate the rewarding of faithful party hacks who lose elections and dodgy business people who send be cheques to any party is brilliant, noble and completely selfless - he will not be made a minister any time soon by voting against the government's ridiculous plans to introduce democracy to this place. This proves he is voting with his own conscience not as Tony's poodle. Hip hip hooray! There is always a space for keith on the benches near me. I can put my industrial sized battle handbag on my knee.