Friday, March 16, 2007

Naheed Arshad-Mather MBE: 'Phone Call.

Naheed Arshad-Mather has rung me this morning and I have agreed to blog a statement from her about the under posting problem. Essentially I believe that a Crown Post Office in Huddersfield checked the size and weight and sold her the stamps. I think myself that it is reasonable for anyone to rely on Post Office Counters staff.

Naheed will gladly refund anyone who is out of pocket. So far this amounts to just four people. More anon.

Naheed also told me that she submitted a letter about Trident to the Reporter letters page to follow up her anti-war pledge. They have not printed it this week. But LoL will be happy to do so if it is forwarded. At the discretion of the blog editor this also goes for other letters which the Distorter refuse to print.

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

Typical of the middle classes.
Blame a low paid worker for your own stupidity in not knowing about a law that was changed months ago.
And even if its true - why publicise it unless you want to get a low paid worker in trouble.
Naheed was my second favourite candidate.
Not now.