Thursday, March 08, 2007

More Tory Twaddle: Dale Analysis of Lords Votes

The more I read Iain Dale's attempted analysis of such things the less I trust it. Labour of Love have pointed out some examples of CCHQs blogger-in-chief's schoolboy errors HERE, HERE and HERE. This is another one to add to the pantheon.

Better to stick with the reasonable idea that an extra 90 Labour MPs voted for the 100% option because that is where their socialist or social democrat heads are than to make them - without the slightest foundation - into wreckers conspiring against their own ingrained politics. Of course there might be a few abolitionists in this group, but mostly they accept the idea of two chambers but require democracy.

If Iain is looking for wreckers and anti-democrats he should consider the anti-reform forces who piled in for the 100% elected but who actually favour the status quo, 100% appointed or some other undemocratic option. Only 28% of Tories backed the 100% option, which Iain says he favours, while 63% of Labour MPs did so. Time to cross the chamber?

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