Wednesday, March 07, 2007

Legal Outrage: "Bloody Foreigners" Magistrate (68) Stays on the Bench

Needless to say Labour of Love think that a magistrate responding to complaints about his offensive language from colleagues with a tirade against "bloody foreigners" and Rusholme curries should not be allowed to stay on the bench.

Mr Alan Mitchell (68) rejected a recommendation that he be downgraded to the Manchester supplemental list and on review of the case by the Lord Chancellor and Lord Chief Justice this old fool was reprimanded but not really disciplined.

The witnesses were colleagues including a woman JP whose remark that she was offended by his pathetic prejudice and had a husband from Iran actually triggered the latter outburst. And a Black British clerk also. Which I suppose shows something about how oblivious this character is to reality, though just about anyone would have been offended.

Mr Mitchell has we feel led something of a charmed life, leaning on his JP status more than a little to get out of scrapes, and LoL will tell at least a little more anon. Meanwhile anyone finding themselves in front of this barmy and reactionary beak would do well to object.

The Manchester Evening News report.


Anonymous said...
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Anonymous said...

Where are these exotic revelations, then?

Anonymous said...

Yes, come on. Let's give the MEN something to get their "teeth" into. Driving while in control of a cheese sandwich? Mistaken for 18? These are hardly page one leads.

Chris Paul said...

Needless to say anyone able to add any anecdotes to the case against this reactionary old bastard is welcome to send qualified leads to:
idea at