Wednesday, March 07, 2007

That YouGov Poll of Labour Members and Affiliates

Despite a drubbing for Hazel Blears Luke Akehurst rather likes this strange poll. PDF Results here

There were some very daft questions in there, like it was a first year student project. They even get Jon Cruddas' name wrong. Particular problems include the old business as usual vs leftiness lurch false dichotomy; steeped in personality over policy; no open questions at all. These questions would be useful:

If Gordon Brown were not available and in an ideal world who would you like to stand for leader of the party?
When should Blair have gone?
Will you pay any attention to what MPs do?
Are you interested in listening to a debate or have you already made your mind up?

What exactly is "too left wing" about John McDonnell's platform?
What is JMcD's platform?
Should public services be publically owned?
Will the Iraq War be an issue for you?
Will Trident be an issue for you?
What are your three biggest issues?

Is Gordon Brown too right wing to be leader?
Is David Miliband too right wing to be leader?
Is Charles Clarkes too right wing to be leader?
Is Alan Milburn too right wing to be leader?

Will you be trying to "bet" on the winner when you cast your vote?
Do you think that after 13 years waiting Gordon Brown deserves to be leader and PM whatever is going on in the world?

Not even:

Are you going to vote?
Did you vote in the last leadership election?
Did you vote in the last NEC election?
Are you actually paid up?

Clearly the results in the NEC election indicate a much more left/centre left bias in the real membership which regularly votes than in this batty YouGov polling.


Luke Akehurst said...

Far more important than the U-Tube poll is the current betting at Ladbrokes. Never mind the clack, look where the wonga is going. Chipmunk is way out ahead of Droney, Jug-Ears, the Ferret, Caravan Woman, Rocket Man, the Patronising Sisters, the Papal Emissary, Diary Man, Thicko and Mandy. It's just the lefties she's got to crack. Just you wait and see her come through on the outside to win as the only sensible moderate candidate.

Benn 5/2
Johnson 3/1
Hain 6/1
Cruddas 7/1
Straw 8/1
Blears 10/1
Harman 10/1
Clarke 16/1
Milliband 16/1
Beckett 16/1
Darling 20/1
Alexander 20/1
Browne 20/1
Balls 20/1
Hutton 20/1
Timms 20/1
Jowell 20/1
Hewitt 25/1
Kelly 25/1
Reid 33/1
Smith 33/1
Blunkett 50/1
Brown 66/1
Watson 66/1
Mandleson 100/1

Chris Paul said...

Luke has missed Blair A off the list (666/1) and Booth C (333/1). You're right about Haze though ... when I challenged her at a business-favour-currying curry (posing as a business, well actually I am) about "new" labour she came back quick as a flash that she is and always has been "sensible" labour. Though she was of course a broad leftie at one point.

Anonymous said...

Can hardly believe the You Gov questions. Is this not the lot that showed a big lead for DC and a collapse of the LP core vote? Unreliable.