Saturday, March 24, 2007

Rory Bremner: Jokers Charlie and Ronnie Melded

Rory Bremner TV and 'phone prank tormenter of pollies pulled quite a stunt tonight melding Lord Charlie Falconer with Ronnie Corbett.

Lord Charlie is Blair's old chum, quickly bounced into parliament by the back door, but that did not stop him joining Baroness Amos and "Good Lord" Geoff Hoon lecturing Labour Conference 2005 on "engaging with the electorate". I kid you not.

Two peers like Brighton itself. Telling rank and file Labour Party and Labour Movement folk how to do elections. What a cheek! We tried to stop it mind. Several of us moved "reference back" speeches to ditch the thing and I suggested replacing these clowns with a comradely address from Walter Wolfgang who had been so rudely ejected for saying boo to a goose.

Got more support in the room than most such things with the platform glaring and the unofficial whips whipping. But sadly we got the half hour of pointless peerage. Or patronisage?

Will see if I can dust down and blog Walter's thoughts - on Gordon Brown, New Labour, Trident and the like - which he gave me in an interview which appeared in condensed form in Red Pepper's Natural Born Rebel feature.

UPDATE: Partner who sensibly avoids Rory Bremner's work was bemused by my assertion that Bremner was seguing Falconer and Corbett. In fact they are from more or less the same street in Edinburgh. Good spot RB, and LOL.

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