Tuesday, April 24, 2007

Chorlton Drama: Bullocks to 'Ankers

EXCLUSIVE First Published 15:31 18th April

Excellent work from Labour's Chorlton Park candidate John Hacking. On the scene, snapping and blogging at the very hour of need of the people of Chorlton. Along with our fine Police Officers.

But where were the Lib Dems? Hiding their faces in shame? Even this shameless crew realise that going round shouting into a mobile 'phone that local people are "BASTARDS!!" for not opening their doors to him ... well it's a bit off that's what.

But they're not nice people. And these bullocks made for the very spot where Ankers had fired off his message to Chorlton people to prove that Lib Dems're not nice people.

It is rumoured that this fine young Bullock-me-lad when interviewed by police said:

Let that Paul Ankers come here and call me a bastard to my face. I'll give him bastard. The lying goon. Wait till I get my hooves on him!

In a very sad ending to the tale the prime veal calf found himself escalloped Viennese style. But at least he got his 15 minutes. Which is more than Ankers is going to get.


Anonymous said...

might explain the Lib Dem bullshit thats been lying (sic) around the area.

Chris Paul said...

Lovely. I see what you're doing there. Nice.

Anonymous said...

The Bulls were called John and George presumably? (The Cows escaped yesterday, 23/4)