Tuesday, April 03, 2007

Radio Five Live: Openly Jeering at Lib Dems Grey Grey Grey Launch

RADIO FIVE LIVE 17:44PM: Amazing. News reporter recounts the dullest press launch ever. Andrew Stunnell MP was there it seems. Grey hair, grey suit. And W Menzies Campbell. Grey hair, grey suit. And a grey backdrop. Grey grey grey.

But naturally there was more. Some resolutely negative soundbites. "Vote Lib Dem because we're against whatever you're against". But you haven't asked us what we're against! "Don't have to! Whatever it is we're against it." Well I'm against Lib Dems! "We couldn't agree more."

The anchor and presenter also joshed amiably about the Lib Dem pamphlet which goes with the greyness of the whole thing. Eighty eight pages of non-policy after non-policy which anchor says: "I'm looking forward to reading at my leisure."

Misery for England and Misery for Wales. Lib Dems crowing about stopping our casino HERE and although we cannot find the current document we did found a similar one (download) HERE - but then again that one has some policies in it.

PHOTO: Ruddy Charles Kennedy standing against the same grey background in 2004. Andrew and Menzies faded into its grayness this time with the result that there are no suitable photos available.


Anonymous said...

He's not standing. He's not that short. He is bracing himself against the table. The download is from 2004 and Lib Dems have recanted on most of our policy positions since then.

We find that as with Local Tax, Green Tax, Academies, Iraq, Trident, anything really, to state our policy finds Sarah Teather or someone (usually Sarah Teather) at odds with Simon Hughes or someone (usually Simon Hughes) over which is the one true faith of out faithless and shameless community of charlatans and fibbers.

We also find that any firm policy could put off half our voters (whether borrowed form Tories or Labour).

Simon Hughes and Lord Rennard were behind the Ming's coalition speech fiasco. And they are also behind the Lib Dem In-Equality programme to not get more women or minorities elected to misrepresent their constituents.

Anonymous said...

...as opposed to the panoply of colour that is Tony Lloyd's site.