Wednesday, May 02, 2007

Manchester and Northern Cities: Have the Tories Given Up Completely?

Something a bit blue through the letter box. Sadly not a Tory flier. It's insurance. Tragic Tories seem to be co-operating with Lib Dem fibbers by not campaigning AT ALL here. This is NOT how to exploit any Cameron bounce. The Lib Dems have nobbled all your votes with bar chart and other fibs these past 15 years. How will you EVER get back?

Meanwhile Iain Dale has linked to some soft-headed predictions. Seem to be way off the money. As one commentator said they'd not mind being this lot's bookmaker.

Among other things they are predicting swings to the Lib Dems in Oldham and in Sheffield. Both places possibly Lib-Dem-proofed by their fatally flawed two year incumbencies in recent memory.

Their erstwhile leader in Oldham said words to the effect that:

"It's easy in opposition - you can say anything and do nothing. But in power you have to make hard decisions.
We weren't up to it."

Lib Dems are actually on the run in Manchester and Liverpool and Sheffield with promising signs in Leeds and Newcastle also. Shame is that the Cuddly Nu Tories are not in any shape to take advantage.

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