May Day 2007: Justice for England Women in Iraqi Trade Unions
Was hoping to carry a report about the Justice for England march on 1 May 2007. But sadly cannot find a trace of a report - not even on the organisation's own site. Their blog was last updated in August 2006. Iain Dale invited us to go to the party and then spent the day in Welsh Wales.
A fine way to carry on. No wonder Dave-id maintains the Bullingdon/Eton stance for his confidantes. A chap must know how to behave.May Day as a whole was also on the quiet side with this Reuters report filed from London failing to mention workers' picnics, anarchist interventions in the city, or anything from the UK at all.
They did carry this positive picture of Iraqi women hold placards during a May Day rally in Basra, 550 km (340 miles) southeast of Baghdad, May 1, 2007.
(REUTERS/Atef Hassan)
Meanwhile there were of course traditional sun welcoming Morris Dance activities in good old England West Coast N America. It looks like Freddie Mercury was a former adherent. Not a lot of people know that.
UPDATE: There were about 120 people on the march. About 10% of turnout for a similar event in 2002.
120 marchers - pathetic
That's my Hamer Shawcross, not Freddie Mercury ...
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