Wednesday, May 02, 2007

Down Tools: Out on Strike Duty

Two or three hours of eve of poll truthing to do. Letters outing the Lib Dems as rubbish liars. Leaflets to 500 homes in Cllr John Leech MP's "Fortress Chorlton Park" which he is still failing to list as a ward on his blob.

This afternoon it'll likely be off to the other end of the constituency, some last minute surprise! tree posters, and then more eve of polling. Not sure I can face the 5am "day of poll" duties reserved for the sleep lights.

But I am looking forward to a turn at the joystick of the Manchester Labour banner-plane tomorrow!


Anonymous said...

Keep up the good work Chris. The Fibs are on the run all over the City. I've heard the banner plance will trail red smoke. Cool.

Anonymous said...

that's plane

susan press said...

Are you at town hall?????

Chris Paul said...

What right now Susan? Or tomorrow night? No and yes respectively. Will ask that Chris Lee for a press pass again.

Will Parbury said...

As trad media are refusing to cover politics in any detail we need all the press we can get.