Wednesday, May 02, 2007

Southampton Wheeze: Banner Plane "Vote Today" Designed to Disadvantage Tories?

Matt Dean's pathetic whinge about Southampton Council boosting turnout with marketing like banner planes and battle buses was picked up by Iain Dale who naturally decided this was a plot against Tory interests.

I think it's great and have obtained a series of sample images Lib Dem council leaders hope to see in their skies. Like this one:

And this one:

Not to mention this doubly whammy:

This seems like a perfectly fine idea. Far cheaper at say £10,000 the lot than giving every voter £10 off their Council Tax which might cost £1 to £2 million in Manchester.

Another Dale and Tory miscalculation?

UPDATE: Matt hasn't posted again on this matter and Iain hasn't either.

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