Deputy Dawgs: Still at It, Hammer and Sickle (not)
The BBC looks back on last night's Question Time with less enthusiasm than Iain Dale who says Johnson, Benn and Harman shone. And sticks his neck out with a ranking that matches the betting which has seen Jon Cruddas tumble out from 5-1 to 12-1.
Thought he did alright myself. Most members will already have voted. For those that haven't, see links passim, or the BBC site on the Issues and discounting a move to the left. Though more Council Houses, more Living Wage, more International Solidarity, and still more cash for Education and Health all look rather real-Labour-ish.Really and truly it's not all about Selling Merchandise. With six second or third tier pollies battling for a bit of a non-job. But as Hattersley and Kettle agree while the post is pants this contest is about the heart and soul of the party.
Still think that whoever is running third after two eliminations - which may be Jon Cruddas or Harriet Harman - will get most of the live transfers from their spar, with any to Blears and Hain too little too late, and could surprise. First Post's Mole believes Harrie will be a winner, win or lose in this poll.
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