Thursday, July 19, 2007

By-Elections: Bushell and BNP Both Get Press

My pal Jon Henley at the Guardian Diary has finally managed to run a non-squirrel story. Concerning Gary Bushy Tail. Sorry no Jon, no Jon, nay, that is Gary Bushell:

Say what you like about Mr Gary Bushell's upstanding English Democrats (slogan: "Not left, not right, just English"), they certainly know their England. Picked out of a recycling bin in election-crazy Ealing Southall on Tuesday night, an English Democrats leaflet featuring "a message to the voters of Sedgefield". Bless.

Up Sedgefield way there is a rather confused story from the By-Elections Blog here. Looks like despite the headline the Northern Echo ran a BNP advert AND a lively editorial supporting free speech. Desperate.

Even for nasty fascists who waste police time concocting tyre slashings, peddle hatred, fail as councilors, and get suspended? Though, phew, not in a Benito Mussolini kind of way. Heaven forfend.

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