NE Developer: Gets Planning Consent Shock
Guido is running with a delicious so-called but actually very much ripped-off "exclusive" about the Watt-gate property developer getting some planning permissions for developments. This is surely a turn up for the books. A property developer seeking and getting planning consent? You're having a laugh aren't you? Well aren't you?Sadly for Mr GuF it is more than likely to emerge that property developers who support all parties and none have received planning permissions and departmental decisions over the last decade. And in the story he so stealthily nicked from SKY it was already clear that Durham Libdemologists and local Highways Agency Civil Servants made the decisions concerned. The picture shows their leader Cllr Fraser Reynolds posing with Fiona Hall MEP as they drive such things through without red tape.
But we will of course have to wait and see. As I said in my comment at GuF's - after several mentions in Touretty dispatches from Mr GuF's manic suck poppets - Tesco really should donate more.
Every little helps. You wouldn't want Sainsbury's to get the concession for the convenience store at Abraham's Business Parc now would you?
This by the way is a joke.
BY THE BY: SKY - who actually broke Mr GuF's "Exclusive", not him - appear to be criticising Hilary Benn MP for NOT accepting a donation from Abrahams via a third party.
Suggesting that, because he followed the correct procedure he must have known about everything else ..?.. Even for the vendetta-hounds in Mad Ad Boulton's team that is an extraordinary piece of gibberish! At least though they factually reported that Durham City Council Lib Dems and not the Labour goverment gave the planning consent. And that the Highways Agency changed their view all by themselves. This was all about the capacity of the A1. the picture shows Alan Beith MP and Fiona Hall MEP sticking up for further A1-motorway-isation.
Of course if the Lib Dems who run that Council are also getting campaign donations from Abrahams that'd be a grand story.
Perhaps the Tories are too? Perhaps Abrahams has a pair of intermediary sock puppets of every political hue? And that's a BLOGSCLUSIVE speculation. You read it here first. And don't you forget that.
UPDATE: It emerged in the first few moments of the PM's Press Conference that his own leadership campaign was offered cash via Mrs Kidd. They refused. Hilary Benn also refused it after checking - until it was made direct. Harriet Harman meanwhile appears to have accepted £5,000 from this source ... and she's in charge of such matters.
The following quote from the Commission email is interesting.
"Transferring a donation to an agent rather than directly to a party must not be used as an attempt to evade the controls on permissibility and transparency."
Given that Ashcroft talks about his "own donations" in his recent Telegraph article this would appear to be pretty strong evidence that Bearwood Securities which makes all those donations to the Conservative Party is acting as an agent of Baron Ashcroft. It also appears to have all its capital provided by Ashcroft companies and there is no evidence that it does anything but give cash/loans to the Tories. If Bearwood is an Agent of Ashcroft then the next question that should be asked is if Ashcroft is a permissible donor himself (i.e on the UK Electoral Register).
Perhaps the Tory Chief Executive/Dave might want to provide some answers?
What a good contribution to the debate. I did suggest a link to the Ashcroft story in a comment at Mr Dale's.
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