Iain Dale: Politicians and Their Interesting Cars
Now that's what I call quite interesting. Dale is after politician-petrolhead anecdotes. Just here. If Iain Dale was a car marque which would he be? Local and national politicians? Other bloggers? Guido Fawkes? Tom Watson? Nadine Dorries? Tim Ireland? Alex Hilton? Rupa Huq? That last one is quite pressing actually. Due to Rover head gasket failure Dr Roops is in the market for a suitable budget but charismatic vehicle for a DJ-ing Academic Politician, one young child, no significant other (but that's the next project!), daily school run and moderate commute.
Answers in a comment purlease.
Dale is a Tractor. Determined, unsophisticated, often splattered with slurry.
LOL! Fawkes is a thirsty monster - a Dodge?
Black sporty Celicia for Rupa, c £5000 for five year old, or perhaps a Golf GT at similar. That has more room in the back.
That red Mazda doesn't look bad with the girl ... perhaps that's the thing? ... the whole Penny Pitstop thing ... ready to get Peter Perfect.
Nissan? Hey, Rupa - use your own name please.
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