James Purnell: Practices Leader Schtick on French Telly
Tameside Mafia also has the English language version. Jimmy Boy did it bilingually. Formidable. But as some wag enquired at TM: Was he actually there?
Tameside Mafia also has the English language version. Jimmy Boy did it bilingually. Formidable. But as some wag enquired at TM: Was he actually there?
Chris Paul
11:01 pm
I really hope this prick doesn't become leader.
I suppose he couldn't lead the toff campaign could he?
James Purnell has also enquired about jumping ship to the Tories if he doesn't get backing for the top job.
But knowing the Tories in Tameside they wouldn't exactly wellcome him with open arms.
James Purnell has also enquired about jumping ship to the Tories if he doesn't get backing for the top job.
Oh yeah? Please provide some back up for this smearage.
Tories in Tameside - would be pleased to have a bilingual smoothie like James. But he's taken.
Tameside Tories are a complete shower of shit. They couldn't dent us one bit. We shall be back up again in the 2010 elections.
Dear Tameside Labour Member
The only shower of shit in Tameside is your group full of bent money grabing wankers just look at your dictator leader Roy Oldham.
Why is his sick wife still a CLLR? shouldn't she be resting trying to get better? and why if she's not able to go to Council is she made a cabinet member again? real value for money!
All Roy Oldham is bothered about is the money he's a disgrace of a man.
In 2010 when there will be a general election your party will get one hell of a kicking and localy as well.
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