Parental Guidance: Truth About David Cameron
I'm not allowed to link to this - under the Anthea Turner Test as told to Simon Amstell on Never Mind the Buzzcocks - but under the same test Sadie Smith Can! And she's been and done it too.
I'm not allowed to link to this - under the Anthea Turner Test as told to Simon Amstell on Never Mind the Buzzcocks - but under the same test Sadie Smith Can! And she's been and done it too.
Chris Paul
8:26 pm
Funnily enough, Chris, a lot of people - and I mean a lot of people, not all of them Labour Party members either - say the same thing about you.
Is that right? I hope they're like Sadie? Otherwise they're not allowed to do that.
I don't say that about you, Chris.
[Wanders off singing "Isn't He Lovely"]
Fanx for the link, lovey.
Cheers me dears
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