Wednesday, October 08, 2008

Fawkes and Howard: Keeping Robert Peston Honest

BBC Economic Editor Robert Peston can be an aggravating egotistical making-not-breaking stories kind of fellow.

Exclusive follows exclusive like boom follows bust. Guido has an exclusive of his own. With ex-Tory Leader Michael Howard muttering and grousing about the BBC wunderkind. Possibly fishing for briefings from government sources and by implication Peston wittingly or unwittingly helping the tax payer and the saver to the best deal.

There are of course very many alternative sources for Mr Robert Peston's information.

Everyone is picking up the 'phone when he calls. And everyone who's anyone in the city knows his number.

I've been far more concerned when Peston appears to be helping the city boys take their profits, and with his general and unhelpful frission of excitement and uncertainty.

But I don't think that's Guido giving him lines to run with.

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