Wednesday, March 25, 2009 D Miliband Announces Iraq Inquiry, Or Does He? have tweeted news from Miliband D that there will be an Iraq War inquiry. I think we already know that. The questions are:

1. When will it be? 2. What will be remit? 3. Who and how?

UPDATE 15:08: 1. As soon as practicable after 31 July 2009; 2. Comprehensive; 3. Unknown.


Bill Quango MP said...

Are you sure there should be an enquiry that actually reports anything before the next election?

Probably the entire stock of MOD 'Whitewash - paint - cover up - for the use of' would be needed.


Chris Paul said...

Are you suggesting there'll be a General Election before July 2009 Bill? Which is radical but not impossible in my view? June 09 still looks good to me.

Or that, given the six years needing reviewing under the possible terms of reference "comprehensive" that it will take some time to report?