Ellee Seymour: Why Call a Development Job "Teaching"?
Bit disturbing to see a respected, albeit loyal Tory, blogger putting out arrant nonsense. Come to think of it it's not that unusual for the species as a whole. But from this one? Ellee Seymour claims Damian McBride has landed a teaching job. Given the context it's good to see she has corrected the spelling of his first name btw. But it's clear enough that the job is not a teaching role. And to his credit McBride was pretty humble about owing everything to his old school, and suitably grateful for a second chance. Link to full R5 interview HERE.
As I comment, also wondering who will give bin-diving and phone-hacking and info-grifting "know nothing" Andy Coulson when it finally becomes patently obvious that he knew about everything all along. The idea that he didn't know what was going on in his newsroom beggars belief. Even if he manages somehow to stick to his story and not be found out NO-ONE but no-one is going to believe the man.As Damian McBride said yesterday, here reported with an endorsement by Commons Confidential, you can't do the job if people think you're lying to them. You must tell the truth.
Coulson must now tell the truth. And get sacked!
I would imagine that those who are out to get someone, who is apparently claiming to be the most hands-off and eyes-off editor in the history of red tops, will have at least a few former colleagues and associates who are waiting for Coulson to deny all again and again. Preferably on oath. Then is the time for spilling the beans. Cheque books are being rustled even as I tap. Will CCHQ get theirs out too? Here is how Conservative Home greeted his appointment. Basildon Man to the rescue was the gist.
It was of course Guido who set the hare running blogwise on the "teaching" idea, repeating Mandrake's exclusive. As I recall GuF claimed it was a Teaching Assistant job in the first instance, though it's now corrected. David Cameron has only done the same as this Finchley school, albeit with twenty times the rewards, given a rogue a second chance. And to DC's credit it was a major blag, not some talking out of turn. But how will DC feel if AC has been blagging?
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