Ms Nadine Dorries MP has probably been Labour of Love's most popular feedback area, ever. We've been saving up lots of interesting questions for a rainy day. Or a rainy month even.
The number of "well wishers" round the place who want to send their blessings to Our Nadine is truly staggering. Our Paul is also staggeringly popular in many quarters. Though a bit of a will-o-the-wisp web-wise. LOL are putting together a month's worth of Questions for the Mum-P for Mid Bedfordshire. Counting properly we are probably already in double figures.
But, so far, organised in five clusters:
Question 1: This Session you have added a second arguably unsuitable Dorries daughter to the taxpayers' payroll. Jennifer, for it is she, enthusiastically reported a £50,000 salary as some kind of Chief of Staff with roles in both Westminster and Woburn.
The Sunday Mirror a week ago speculated a lower figure, which seems a bit rude actually, though it was still high for normal candidates. Though for a sought after candidate of Jenny's merits you might well break the bank. How much is Jenny paid?
Supplementary: How on earth mid-Legg mid-Kelly, post-Conway, post-Telegraph did you expect this to look?
Question 2: Jennifer's appointment does show up in the latest staff RMI but strangely not in the Mum-Ps own returns for 2 September or 14 October. Meanwhile Philippa is away travelling in Australia but appears in both these Mum-P RMI Part Twos as a current employee. Is this incompetence or chicanery?
Question 3: Who Wants to be a Millionaire homage. Fastest finger first. Put the following in the correct order:
A. Philippa Storm Dorries gave notice of a year-long trip to Australia and needed to be replaced as Office Manager/Senior Secretary/Chief of Staff;
B. Mum-P Nadine Dorries made an impassioned speech in the House, drawing attention to the plight of young unemployable daughter newly-graduated daughter, that was at 6:33pm on 06-07-09;
C. There was a "well-earned" Dorries Family Holiday. ¡Y Viva Espana!;
D. Jennifer Lauren Dorries turned up in the Sports and Social on Friday 16 October, Miss Hospitality personified, and she'd landed a bloody good job.
Question 4: Leaving aside your earlier CV for the time being you went to Zambia and bumped into your old friend Paul Dorries and you returned to the UK apparently newly married and very ready to start a family. Was this a traditional marriage and in a style and jurisdiction recognised here in the UK?
Would you say?
Supplementary: All kinds of online biographies, CVs, blurbs, news stories and so on refer to a change in marital status in December 2006. Divorce, separation, or if you will estrangement. Which is it actually? And are you still in regular touch?
Question 5: Given that your secret and open career history include being a flight attendant and some kind of nurse, surely two of the most pawed, arse-slapped and generally harassed occupations, alongside being a Mum-P, why would you stick up for hands-on dirt-ball sleaze scoundrel Sir Nick Winterton?
Supplementary: And why is that work as a flight attendant, arguably showing considerable resourcefulness in gaming the recruitment requirements, is suppressed from the CV or described as "travelling" in some places, broadens the mind they say, while an undistinguished and actually rather short stint as a State Enrolled Nurse, plus some Agency dabbling possibly, is built up?
Almost beyond recognition? To medical and scientific expertise. Is that fair?
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