Monday, November 09, 2009

Nuts in November: Q6, Nadine, How Big Are Spiders With You?

This plate is from the marvellous Project Gutenburg eBook of Mother Goose - as told by W. W. Denslow - which I stumbled across, again, only yesterday. Well over 100 years old. You can take a look for yourself Right Here. Meanwhile a certain Con-woman (short for Conservative Woman, natch) was tweeting, was tweeting, that there was a spider occupying the bath she wanted to be in. This spider was definitely, I kid you not, way bigger than a large dinner plate. When an MP from another party got in touch to suggest the Con-woman even lied about spider size I was resolute in her defence. She's a Mum-P for goodness sake! The spidies out there in the wild woods west of Chipping Campden aka Chiselling Expenses were whoppers I explained. Every last one a whopper.
Miss Muppet knows of what she talks.


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