Tuesday, June 05, 2007

Luke Akehurst: Smearing and Blearing

Hazel's team have come up with a brilliant new button badge, here modelled by a young Luke (19), before he got cynical.


Anonymous said...

Hey Chris, well done on yesterday's Guardian letter. Everybody's at it so it seems.

Luke Akehurst said...

No I was the same in politics/political style when I was 19 as now - ask anyone who was in NOLS in the early '90s.

Chris Paul said...

Sorry Luke. I was being a bit ironic. I know full well that you have been consistently cynical throughout.

Hi Rupa. Sent a letter to Guardian last Wednesday ... have not seen yesterday's Guardian ... hope they haven't hacked it around too much. Had one about smoking vs driving once that they rendered so cryptic that I didn't know what I was on about.

Anonymous said...

Someone purporting to be you had a letter in yesterday's Guardian on the leadership contest. As did someone claiming to be Luke Akehurst. Have got too many screens open to cut and paste it here but I put the link on www.rupahuq.co.uk
I had a letter in yesterday's Evenin' Standard also on the same subject but taking a handbag angle. Hence my comment... everybody's at it.

Luke Akehurst said...

It's all getting too much to cope with, all these people pretending to be other people, when a chap or chapess has only a limited number of windows that can be opened at one time. Bah! D'oh!

I'm all for writing letters to The Guardian myself, but my spoofster has other opinions. He's unlikely to have been the contributor, having written only the other day: "They understand that the policies which will appeal to the broad electoral coalition needed to win a fourth term Labour Government are not necessarily those that are called for in the letters page of the Guardian and around the dinner party tables of the chattering classes."

Luke Akehurst said...

PS. What's up, Doc?