Sedgefield: Dialectics, Mackems, Pitmatics, Odds
No-one has yet been able to pin down Lib Dems in Ealing Southall paying over "lottery winnings" for those displaying window and garden posters. But the Lib Dem Geordie all alone and at sea in Pitmatics or at a push Mackem land has been caught bang to rights furtively handing something to this "local resident".
Two garden posters means double the chances presumably. Naturally, the local is in fact one of the tiny handful of party members in County Durham and it can be hoped the money the something will be recycled.
Highly amusing of course is the Lib Dem reporting of the bookies' odds:What a triumph! The odds say that the Tories are MORE THAN 23 TIMES less likely to win that the glorious Lib Dems. Isn't that absolutely pathetic? Perhaps someone could work out the multiplier between the Lib Dems who must surely be hot on Labour's heels to be crowing so much? What's that you say? SEVEN HUNDRED AND THREE times less likely to win? How ridiculous is that? But you can still get free money from the bookies. For every £100 you are prepared to risk the bookies will give you £3 if and only if Labour win.
As the sayings go: "It's a two horse race. The Tories cannot win here. Only Lib Dems can beat Labour here."
One of the Lib Dems' favourite fibs over the past few days has been that Wil-lie Rennie's odds were the same as this a week out. While that might just be true the lie of omission here is that Labour weren't on 1-33 on!
Let's hope that when Will-lie visited Sedgefield yesterday he took the chance to visit some local cluster bomb factories and congratulate them as he has done in Scotland ... before standing up with John Leech (another young man who has trouble with fact and fiction, integrity and hypocrisy) and tried to get the factory's produce banned!HERE Labour of Love scripted an attack advert against this Cluster of Lib Dem Bombers; HERE we speculated about fibber Rennie and fibber Leech's poor re-election prospects; and HERE with links to earlier Fib Dem and LoL stories we wished Willie a happy Burns Night.
Meanwhile LOL reckoned Will-lie deserved a dunking for his two-facedness with Unions and Management.
0.03 is actually 1-33, not 1-103. For risking £100, the layer will give you £3.
Fair enough. It was 1-103 last time I looked and I can't say I trust these Libdemologists to cite correct odds.
I think the sum in the text is correct for the 1-33 rate they claim. Is it not?
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