Protesting: Against National Front Against Pride
REPORTS ANYONE? No sign of the NF when I reached the spot toward the end of the alloted time. Religious lot were still at Peace Gardens enjoying flirtatious attention from gay promenaders though.
UPDATE: Don't worry if you cannot make 10 am. The real action is later - officially the parade is 2pm - 4pm. Follow the route to find the NF with a big banner of two NF men (looks like) kissing - with some slogan about God (a big influence in Nazi circles, natch) and Adam and Eve as seen to the right of my 2006 picture. Guaranteed to get some jeering and cheering from Adam and Steve by the end of the afternoon.
We'll be there holding their hands as it were. Making sure these handsome hunks don't get ravaged by ravenous metrosexuals with inhibition issues. And no political scruples I might add.TODAY SATURDAY (25th Aug): We're meeting at 10am Great Northern Sq, junction of Deansgate and Peter Street. Though our enthusiastically received annual picket against the National Front closet crew will very likely be somewhere else on the route.
Manchester's annual celebration of equality for gays and lesbians - a festival of fun for everyone who supports the right to live in peace and dignity, whatever our sexual orientation.
But the 'No Fun' National Front fascists can't stand the thought of gay and straight people enjoying themselves - they're once again planning a hate-picket against the Pride parade.
Unite Against Fascism is asking you to join our counter-protest against the politics of hate where National Front and Combat 18 elements got moral support from this black shirted BNP man from Burnley, Lancashire, pictured last year.FREEDOM OF THE CITY (Citation): "To march through the city with flags waving and swords drawn and carried aloft, and wearing the tightest little disco shorts in the whole wide world".
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