Thursday, September 13, 2007

Fibdemologists: "Thriving cultural scene in Liverpool"

In a strange opinion piece on the Lib Dems and Tourism the maverick Norman Foster MP bigs up what he calls "the thriving cultural scene in Liverpool". He also namechecks Lib Dem interests in the Brecon Beacons and Norfolk Broads in a toothsome tourism trilogy.

But back to Liverpool. Ha ha ha ha. LOL. That's where leading philistine Cllr Warren Bradley (right) is calling for the head of the culture company's head Jason Harborow (left) on a platter? Ha! The Liverpool Daily Post has the story.

Basically fire fighting Warren is trying to fight a fire over the Lib Dem council's abject track record on culture - cancelling (almost) and reinstating The Pops at 10%, running a public consultation on the Fourth Grace and picking the fourth most popular of four, and - the source of this barney - pulling (almost) and then putting indoors the intrinsically outdoors Matthew Street festival.

The "thriving cultural scene in Liverpool"? Ha ha ha ha. Where leader Bradley is calling for the head of the culture company's head on a platter? Ha!

Worth repeating that bit. Insofar as Liverpool has a thriving cultural scene - it does, though it could be much better - this is no thanks to the Council's Lib Dem majority group. Many in the culture field are praying that Labour's surge in the polls is accelerated so that 8/12s of the Capital of Culture 08 are also a celebration of liberation from Liberals.

Jason has a glittering career both behind and ahead of him, whereas for the Lib Dem's incompetent and threatened by competence Warren it is, sadly for the great city of Liverpool, ashes to ashes.

This is "The Leaked email" published by The Post:

Dear Colin,
Having been mandated by the ruling group on the city council, I am requesting that prior to your departure on leave today, that Jason Harborow is relieved of his duties as both CEX [chief executive] of Liverpool Culture Company, but also as ED CMS [executive director of culture, media and sport].
This will remove the stress that Jason must be feeling at this time, whilst allowing for an unfettered independent investigation.

Fourth Grace - chosen despite popular disdain, then shelved

As agreed yesterday, Ben Dolan should be installed as the interim manager to oversee the full operation of Liverpool Culture Company.
Whilst Chris Briggs should be appointed to lead on CMS [culture, media and sport], with Stuart Smith regaining the ED [executive director] responsibility.
This cannot be seen as a rash decision in the press, and must be handled carefully, but with the public swell of opinion and the fact that Lee Forde has been placed on “gardening leave”, I believe this mandate from the ruling group would be seen as a levelled sensible response, until the independent investigation has been concluded.
I take absolutely no satisfaction in requesting this, but as leader of the council, I have a responsibility to be seen to be strong, whilst being fair and honest.
I have taken, extremely unfairly, the brunt of the criticism, and am now requesting this decisive move prior to your leave.
In conclusion, nothing short of my request will be deemed acceptable.

So, that's right, in what Norman Foster calls "the thriving cultural scene of Liverpool" we actually have a thriving Machievellean* scene where a response that Lib Dem fire lighter Warren knows will be seen "as a rash decision in the press" and would look like a very expensive case of employment law malfeasance, must in fact be promoted as a "levelled sensible response" (sic).

More anon as they say. *Clearly whereas Bradley is a very poor fire fighter scandal wise Machievelli himself knew what he was doing. He wrote the book after all.


Anonymous said...

Picking fights with his own press office and IT department was never the cleverest idea the boy Bradley had now was it?

Anonymous said...

Still at least all the changes Bradley required were implemented ... er ... not.