Iain Dale's Monkey: "Money Laundering Unions"?
While the organ-grinder is away, Iain Dale's monkey Shane Greer has been quite busy. Including with some tosh about Trade Unions, settlements, donations, and social partners' funding. Posted 17 minutes after the same story at Conservativehome incidentally. Three main "indictments".
1. Gordon is playing hard ball with the Public Sector unions. Way too hard ball in my opinion. Not hard enough for Shane. Like Dale he cannot seem to get things in proportion. But never mind.
2. A fairly large sum of money, made up of a few pounds each, coming from the members within the TUs who pay (a) affiliations and (b) into political funds, being given to Labour by the workers united. At less than £5 all told per capita per affiliated member per year. 10p a week.
3. Some social partners' funding going to Trade Unions to help them modernise. Including for example running ballots in rather expensive ways they didn't use to have to do. And training. That kind of thing.
Meanwhile Tories are doing all sorts of dodgy property deals, borrowing just as much money as Labour from wealthy individuals, taking donations from arms dealers (Saudi) and gun and knife makers (Austrian), as well as rank and file memberships including from social snookerists. Generally not in a position to throw stones.We've had some fun with this.
[fun]Last month we reported Iain's blowing the gaffe on Dave-eeed's overall failures Mr Iain Dale today called for one man to be taken out and shot and calls on another band of assassins to knife another prominent figure. In the second case, unbelievably, he is encouraged by a Times journalist. THIS is the Tory message on violent crime. Shoot 'em, knife 'em or scare them to death.[/fun]
But back to today's story. It's serious. Tories haven't a leg to stand on. The other main players in the social partners - like the CBI and larger employers are, rather like the Trade Unions, able to apply for funds for all sorts. For training and compliance and research and land reclamation and gap funding and trade missions and all sorts.
Iain Dale - come back all is forgiven. Shane surely must take down this absurd story with the highly defamatory line about "laundering" as soon as he can get his hands back onto his borrowed blogger account.
Mr Greer will surely not want to be remembered as the man who took down the top Tory Boy Blogger under a shower of writs from the angry workers, government departments and political organisations that he has libelled. And him a law student and all.
That's the name and that's the game.
THis story has been up and running for years and finding corporate connections to trades you disapprove of is an entirely artificial response. On playing hard ball ...we`ll see. They know they will get the money one way or another. Typical Brown, attack the headline and quietly do the reverse...as well you know.
Honey moon is over CP and your vague threats of legal action are an unlovely adornment to your (reputedly) Labour funded Blog...which we now know means we fund it
What are you on about you Newmaniac?
Are you happy for Tories to take money from arms dealers and gun/knives makers? While spouting about guns and knives?
And what on earth are you on about "vague threats of legal action" and "Labour funded"?
You really are a complete pilchard. At least though there's no actual foaming at the mouth this time. Has Cam had a word?
Any comment at all on Shane Greer's disingenuous and defamatory story about Unions getting grants?
PS I cannot post on your blog so......
What are you on about you Newmaniac?
I am always Newmania . I gather you appear in a variety of guises to vandalise other people`s blogs but I do not. As I have said before contrary views are the point. But that sort of behaviour is not .You should stop.
Are you happy for Tories to take money from arms dealers and gun/knives makers? While spouting about guns and knives?
I don`t actually have any special problem with either of these categories which are legal. I am more concerned when a holder of government contracts like the Kaiser Dermot Desmond with a history of bribery gives quiet cash over. It is a BTW but I do not accept there is a direct link between guns and gun crime .There seems to be a link between anti family welfare and housing policy and gangs but guns are alright if they are pointing the right way. The fact we still trade in arms in all sorts of dubious places is something the Labour Party might like to think about as they could have stopped it. Have a look"
And what on earth are you on about "vague threats of legal action" and "Labour funded"?
Read you own words and it is said that you work for the Labour Party Do you ? If not god knows who pays you for not turning up .
Any comment at all on Shane Greer's disingenuous and defamatory story about Unions getting grants?
As I said the same story has been repeated probably correctly for year and years and years. This is not an especially strong veresion .There have been occassions when discrete increases in funding have been met with symmetrical increases in Party funding from the Unions . The Labour Party has 190,000 in it a historical low . It lost its mass membership at Blackpool and money has been the problem ever since. Whether or not this is actually laundering , which it sort of is Brown`s debt to the Unions goes much further than that. His equation of inflation and pay rises takes me back to the prices and incomes. The Unions could bring him down bankrupt him. he`ll do as he`s told don`t you worry .He has so far hence the outrageous pensions position
I have been looking at the Compass site a bit where Brown seems to be universally hated. With his Nationalism , support for Thatch anmd so on , I am suprised your support is quite so uncritical. Thats your problem , tax credits , for exmaple , what a cock up even if you accept the aim , whoch it has not delivered of getting people into work.
Its not my business to advise the labour Party but a more balanced view would be a lot more effective than your usual full on partisanship . Most people assume you are paid to do it. I did .
newmania = more vulgar than a vulcans vulva...
Yep Newmaniac, whatever whatever whatever.
I go and comment on other people's websites in my own name.
I rarely go ape like you do, Newmaniac. Glad to see that is somethingly under control just now.
And I am not an employee of the Labour Party in general or of any person connected with the LP - apart that is from myself!
95% of what you write here is gibberish, off topic and answering points no one has made.
Presumably in the real world people get to tell you to be quiet and stop your jabbering and you come and rant on the web as a diplacement activity?
Who, by the way, is the imaginary bosum friend Sancho Panza to your Don Quixote?
And for someone who likes making insinuations about how other people spend their days what on earth are you up to lurking in dark corners of the interweb 24/7?
I `m not answering you I `m educating you , unsuccesfully it would appear.....Anyway so long as you`re happy , I think overall you add something and there are worse things than peculiar.My advice would be not to attempt to be funny for now . Its not you ,and honsetly, it doesn`t work at all. Try less hard thats sometimes the answer....
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