Friday, May 02, 2008

Mcr Local Election 2008: Fun and Games All Round

Northenden still recounting. Chorlton Labour hold by 159. The beers are on Sheila then. Lib Dems hold Whalley Range. Massive Labour hold in Cheetham Hill - a weigh in in fact. Lib Dems take Miles Platting and Newton Heath. This is no great surprise. There may be an explanation here soon. There are certainly factors within the Labour machine in the area.

But the BNP have more or less packed up and gone home there. Last year dropping from 600 to 300 and almost letting the Libs in then. This year to 250. While as it goes in the wards the BNP are after the Lib Dems have done likewise. Almost disappearing. The Labour leaflets identifying Lib Dem Damien O'Connor as a "scumbag criminal" don't seem to have done the trick at all. Loveable rogue is the way he's seen.

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