Oily Duncan: Ridiculous R5 Breakfast Hissy Fit
That Interview - though it seems the player may be playing up. But here's the Telegraph Report to be going on with:Alan Duncan attacks BBC interviewer Shelagh Fogarty
The Conservative shadow business minister Alan Duncan launched a firece broadside against BBC Radio Five Live presenter Shelagh Fogarty during an interview.
As David Cameron calls for tax cuts for small firms, hear Tory shadow business minister Alan Duncan clash with BBC Radio Five Live's Breakfast presenter Shelagh Fogarty.
Mr Duncan demanded “Are you a serious interviewer” in response to a question about whether he agreed with the government’s economic policies. And asked how long it would take for the bank bail-out to work, he said: “That is a ridiculous question,” and added that it was “a crazy question”.
The spat came as David Cameron called for tax cuts for small firms, saying that a 1p cut in National Insurance for companies with four staff or less could help them through the recession.
Mr Duncan went on to say: “I think you in the studio need to show a better understanding of the pain that a lot of business people are confronting, the fact that they are having the rug pulled from underneath them by banks, that they are being closed down by Revenue and Customs demanding their VAT payments, and I think you should show more understanding of the pain that people are suffering.”
Ms Fogarty largely kept her cool, though she was heard to stumble over a few words – and she was quick to point out that Mr Duncan was repeating himself.Meanwhile Iain Dale - who thinks Cam and GOO are like Sven and Tord (right) - was on BBC News 24 this afternoon asking "What's The Story?" on the huge Osborne-is-a-clutz Story, which may sound like a low level deflection attempt from a low level spinner. But which in fact is a very good question. Why is it that GOO tried to avoid disclosure in his personal register of members' interests of very large sums of money coming from Nat's folks? And what has he been up to in Corfu - failing to declare hospitality AND trying to work out a laundering route for some oligarchic roubles?
Iain was introduced and outroduced as "Publisher of Total Politics" but there was a fleeting caption of "Conservative Blogger". They're so pro-Tory these BBC people.
I suspect that the oily one is feeling a little sensitive at the moment given that his former boss's vehicle Glencore is a partner in Deripaska's aluminium empire. The history behind the "aluminium wars" that led to the creation of Deripaska's empire is perhaps one of the more colourful episodes in recent Russian business history.
And Osborne has now got himself into a position where Deripaska could break his career at anytime by corroborating Rothschild's account.
And the Tories propose that Osborne and Duncan should be in charge of the two main economic ministires if they come to power?? Whatever next calls for improved business ethics??
Shelagh Fogarty scabbed on the last BBC strike.
And she is the worst broadcaster on Five Live by a street.
Listening to her is an embarrassment to the profession of journalism.
But Duncan sounded ridiculous for losing his cool.
He'll get a lot dafter questions in interviews around the country.
What he was actually saying was: "You are not Radio 4. Your listeners are common folk. Why should I answer your impertinent questions."
Thanks Miles? She' will be queuing up to join the NUJ now, however she is spelling her name ... She' gets both I notice.
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