EXCLUSIVE Chris Galley: "Research" Director of "SCOP" is "Crap"
Strangely enough the Blog at the Sunlight Centre for Open Politics, whose logo literally shows the sun shining out of Guido Fawkes' anal fissure, has not been updated recently. Not for five weeks. And strangely not to reflect the train crash TV show down on BBC Newsnight between the Right Hoon Keith Vaz and Chris Galley "Research" Director at said "SCOP", pictured above in another sudden locomotional arrest. Made Vaz look good. Top skills. You'd think Galley's mentor Paul Staines aka Mister GuF would be bursting to report this TV triumph? But no.
Guido Fawkes and his "SCOP" couldn't even think of something* beginning with E or O to complete a more useful acronym and brand. Or perhaps they did but were warned off by
SCOPE, the cerebral palsy charity. For disabled people achieving equality. Or perhaps SCOOP - the dog poo people - growled at them menacingly? This one's a little stinker. Or the litigious Woody Allen perhaps? "SCOP" is a bit crap now isn't it?
Mr Galley became famous for cack-handed and useless leaks to Tory folk hero Damian Green. His research these days appear to consist of scouring the papers and reporting what they carry. It's a tough job. Ain't no doubt of that. Here's some "research" Chris Galley did in the pages of the obscure underground "organ of record" that is the Sunday Times. And of course this followed only four days after some more "research" Chris Galley did in the esoterica that is The Times.
And this of course followed hot on the heels of some brilliant "research" that Chris Galley did, who knows how, he doesn't say, though shy retiring community Cable channel SKY News were among the arcane purveyors of the same story in the preceeding hours. BBC and ITV and Channel 4 News also dabbled, something ahead of newshound Chris Galley.
In this latest case it was Chris Galley's expert "research" in The Mail, a London based rag unknown to most "researchers" that got him the TV gig. When he "discovered" the story he jostled one off immediately. An angry of EC1 letter. Bravo! Brilliant! Good skills!
SCOP was it seemed set up, on the face of it under the tutelage of that great pisspot driving criminal, bankrupt, raging smearologist and former rave-meister Paul Staines aka Guido Fawkes aka Mister GuF, as a kind of summer camp for deviant right wing libertario conservative futurists and the like. LOL covered the hilarious insider logo gag, did we not?
HERE and again HERE with bonus of Mr Dale running away from Policy Exchange as that "think tank" began to get nasty.
The idiot leaker Chris Galley, who made his name "reporting" on papers that came across his desk aka "research" was of course the obvious candidate when a similar role came up. Albeit using newspapers instead of only very slightly secret Home Office documents. Transferable skills! He need never work again.
All that remains now is to raise £100,000 - you can donate here - and SCOP's dynamic "Research" supremo Chris Galley then promises to turn his attention to some yellowing copies of the Telegraph and Sunday Telegraph which apparently show that as 90% of MPs former Home Secretary Jacqui Smith maxxed expenses "within the rules" and also had a complete and utter stupid wanker for a husband. [Though to be fair Lib Demmer PR Paul Rowen MP seems to have got away scot free with his TV Services £9.99.] And then he'll proceed to NOT sue her. Which would be bloody brilliant.
Perhaps SCOP can manage without the money now I've thought that through? Made the links? They've raised 13% so far we're told. With scoop after scoop gleaned from "reading papers" and "watching Sky News" and a bravura BBC Television appearance things can only improve. And we're glad to help.
*FOOTNOTE: To be fair we're teasing about how crap the acronym "SCOP" is. The boys in blue actually call themselves the "Sunlight COPS" which is just a brilliant, brilliant name. We're sorry. So very very childish.
Guido Fawkes / Dead Gaza Children / Advertising Dollars montage sourced from the magnificent Beau Bo D'Or. Sunlight Arsehole as rosette, clumsily added by LOL Graphics.
Some may have noticed that the linked US website is now monetizing hate
Cannot but think that she got the idea from Guido.
Talking of hate, Mr Blaney has now served me with a banning order - not sure why this should be the trigger however - unless I got rather close to summarising his entire political philosophy!
About time someone ran with this. The whole thing is a scam on so many levels it's hard to know where to begin. Firstly it pretends to be some class of NGO when it's really only a blog, and a crap one at that. Once a week (roughly) some civil servant gets a letter from Galley about something he read in the paper. That appears to be the sum total of its activity. Scotland was the best yet. He wrote a letter demanding to see her documents (on what basis was not clear) otherwise he's report her ot the Border Agency. A couple of hours later he wrote to the agency demanding an investigation, apparently in response to the Agency's announcing an investigation.
It gets better though. As you point out, they are trying to raise money ostensibly to prosecute Jacqui Smith. Of course this will never happen which raises the question of what happens to the money. Three weeks ago Guido promised to publish details of donations and expenditure. Since then questions on the subject are either ignored or deleted.
What's truly disturbing is mainstream media taking this nonsense seriously
Fine, but don't think that this little diversion will take our eyes off the fact that the true corruption, law breaking, evasion and lying is firmly in the hands (or perhaps pockets) of Labour. Ad hominems may make you feel better but they won't change the underlying facts and they won't make NuLab any more electable. I couldn't give a damn about Galley but I do give a damn about what Blair and Brown have turned this country into and my vote will show just that. If you're anything like the BBC I won't get to see this again I suppose, but it helps writing it.
Tory Boys etc (yawn)
Perhaps you were banned because you are a complete tit.
Seems as if the Tory Scum were looking aftr Galley after all.
What did Green wipe after Boris told him the Metro Plods were going to raid his hard drive ?
I think we should be told !
Let's have those links again TBNGU:
Guido's linked Hate site.
Ultra -right idiot and Con Future leadership trainer Donal Blaney bans free speech.
Richie P:
Fine, but don't think that this little diversion will take our eyes off the fact that the true corruption, law breaking, evasion and lying is firmly in the hands (or perhaps pockets) of Labour.
Can't see why you say this Richie? Lady Thatcher invented the allowances scheme. Leaders and parliamentarians of all parties preserved and amended this. As they didn't want to make the case for proper pay. And of course - despite the Telegraph's rather partisan angles - it is the case that MPs of all parties have been found "at it".
Much of it supposedly within the rules of course.
Labour ones tended to get spotted putting through till receipts from Spar with oddities. Tory ones living it up with mansions, wisteria, ride on tractors and moats. And Lib Dems - still under the RADAR mostly sleazing away money for campaigning.
And there are examples re silly second home claims from all sides, esp Lab and Tory. Pickles and Osborne and Dorries and Grayling for example ... and yes Moron of course. And Smith less so.
With the Tories of course there is the added excitement of huge donations from vulture capitalist and bankers and so on. Some fully or partly obscured. And those second jobs.
In short I can't see any party political advantage for Tories in suggesting another party has any exclusive on these issues.
Ad hominems may make you feel better but they won't change the underlying facts and they won't make NuLab any more electable.
I don't see this as an ad hominem attack. I'm not pointing out Galley is an ugly thick twat for example, that would be silly. And it's obvious. Pointing out that Guido is a convicted drink drive criminal, a bankrupt and a smearologist is highly relevant however.
How the hell can anyone take him seriously when he whines about a "smear" that consists of pointing out factually that he lets his commenters run with all kinds of nasty shit of all forms of -isms?
And though he was flung out of some third-rate college no-one can say the boy's thick. And his avatar at least has something of the dashing hollywood hero about him. But he is a terrible hypocrite. And a quixotic and obsessed hater.
I couldn't give a damn about Galley but I do give a damn about what Blair and Brown have turned this country into and my vote will show just that. If you're anything like the BBC I won't get to see this again I suppose, but it helps writing it.
There there there Richie. Just lie down and take a break now. I don't spike many comments at all. This one is just fine.
The point of the post if that Galley is a charlatan. Worse even than Staines who does get some real stories.
Galley is reading stuff in newspapers and writing green ink letters is all.
And people are allegedly sending money for a completely fictitious and mis-directed legal battle. Presumably the money is going to the boy genius to drink coffee and read mainstream newspapers?
I don't blame Galley so much. He foolishly trusted the tories not to throw him under the bus (although anyone with half a brain could have seen that one coming), and I suppose his career options are limited. Guido I suspect is motivated more by vanity and a desire for attention than any deep seated political convictions. And you should point out his bankruptcy is discharged. I got told off for not knowing that.
OK, his bankruptcy (singular?) is discharged. But he makes out he's a tax exile, avoiding millions no doubt, and also has a myth that as he's somehow "based" in Nevis it's almost impossible to sue him if/when he defames, maligns, smears and libels. What a tosser Staines is.
Careful now. Do you want an imaginary lawsuit.
Guido's theory appeared to be that because his site is owned by an offshore company he can't, for reasons not explained, be sued for libel in England. I think it's clear by now the boy has access to some top-notch legal advice
And he's prepared to share top brief with Dozy Dorries too.
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