When it is Council Day in Manchester and PMQs and such in Westminster the likes of Cllr John Leech have a problem. Where should they take their seat for scowling and nodding off? In the house? Or in the chamber? This time the councillor for Chorlton Park, who has recently owned up that he'll be keeping his word and giving way to Mrs Nepotismi, chose Westminster. Hurrah!
Then, according to Iain Dale's list he made a career move to die for, defying a 3-line whip requiring abstention. With approximately the 63rd least desired job in the team - responsible for leaves on roads and pavement bobbles - it's hard to see how chump Clogg will discipline him.
Iain's list goes thusly:
Brooke, Annette
Carmichael, Mr. Alistair
Farron, Tim
George, Andrew
Gidley, Sandra
Hancock, Mr. Mike
Heath, Mr. David
Hemming, John
Holmes, Paul
Horwood, Martin
Leech, John
Mulholland, Greg
Pugh, Dr. John
Williams, Mark
Younger-Ross, Mr. Richard
Fifteeen. Though two of them are imposters. Can you spot them*? I wonder how these cross check these folk with the Huhnies?? Leech of course supported Clegg when claiming to be 100% behind Kennedy, Huhne when Clegg cried off, and then Clegg in the latest musical leaders.
Iain will no doubt continue to support breaking a party whip in this kind of way as "the right thing" when it is Tories doing it?
LOL tend to when it is Left Labour and Centre Left MPs doing it - for example against the war - but I'd be furious if right wingers were serially voting down progressive bills. So I do understand the importance of discipline. And do continue to expect the comrades to rebel sparingly.
* DOH UPDATE: Iain Dale edited his list to remove Colin Burgon (Labour) and Gregory Campbell (DUP) while also adding a couple more Fibs. I fell for it. Sorry.