About Bloody Time Too: Derek Draper Calls Off T'Dogs (Himself)
UPDATE 11:22: Vanished Links are Here.
Finally, after much spiral dynamics from the sidelines ... Labour List HERE and above and Labour Home HERE and below have kissed and made up. They are now singing, albeit rather tunelessly at times and hardly in perfect harmony just yet, from the same hymn sheet.
As many other Labour and Progressive bloggers I link to Order-Order from Guido Fawkes or Mr GuF as I like to call him. I will continue to do so. He breaks some top stories - including against Tories every now and then. He also repeatedly breaks speculative, whiffy wind. He tolerates an enormous range of un-PC comment, often facilitating this by what he posts. Some of it, notably most of the racism and some of the most outrageous of the rest is temporary. He removes this stuff when he drunk drives staggers back from the pub, or reasonably soon after it's pointed out.
Labour of Love would love to have Messagespace advertising. As enjoyed by blogs great and small, left right and centre. Although we probably have more traffic than some of the network we weren't blogging when it got started and we've yet to be invited. This network could provide a trickle of income towards my running costs. And it provides a significant income to Political Betting, Lib Dem Voice, Labour Home, as well as Dale, Fawkes and others.
LABOUR LIST SHOULD JOIN MESSAGESPACE: If Labour List wishes to wash its own face it should join, and as soon as possible. As far as I know Fawkes doesn't own any of or act as a Director for this company. He is or has been a bankrupt after all. Joining this advertising brokerage is no different morally or philosophically from placing adverts in some of our less progressive newspapers or accepting advertising bookings from agencies who handle a range of products and clients - some of whom are perceived as less ethical than others.THE SCHILLINGS PRECEDENT: Derek Draper and Labour List use the lawyers Schillings.
I don't have a problem with this, though Tim Ireland at Bloggerheads and others do.
They've been chosen because they are reputedly damned good media and reputation professionals, and despite the fact that they act for undesirables such as the art lover Alisher Creosotemanov and the filthy lucre lover Oily Duncan.
Having taken this commercial, pragmatic choice it must be bloody hard work for Derek Draper to attack Alex Hilton for his own ethical/business choices without feeling like a right hypocrite.
I can guarantee that Draper will not, under any circumstances, feel a like a right hypocrite. He has proven that lately.
You may be right on that. Or at least insofar as he won't let on. But hatchets have been buried on this matter. And to be fair Derek has made several fulsome apologies and this is more than can be said as a rule for the leading bloggers of the right.
If you really believe hatchets have been buried, then you are as naive as Draper likes to think everyone is.
Perhaps Draper should apologise to me too for lying, threatening to sue and refusing to answeer legitimate questions. Frankly he is unfit to be a psychotherapist let alone anything else.
Schillings may be reputedly damned good media and reputation professionals (according to their self agrandising website which fails to mention the clients who lost cases and also those who went bankrupt as a result of a case brought on Schillings' advice, Pam Brighton springs to mind) but their attachment to a media notice only serves to bring attention to it, as your comment re Alan Duncan illustrates - I hadn't noticed it before.
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