Saturday, February 23, 2008
Auschwitz Gimmick: Cameron & Osborne as Lame Ducks
When my daughter and her schoolmates went on a school trip to Auschwitz last year, age 14, it was parents who footed the bill. Around £200 for a few days as I recall. This cost must have affected which students were able to make the immensely valuable trip. The Government plan to subsidise such educational visits, and specifically this one, is hardly a gimmick. The money could be directed at those most in need of support to provide free trips rather than general subsidy. My only quibble with the scheme is that it is directed only at sixth formers.
The Guardian slam Cameron here and again here for his thoughtless folly. With Michael White eavesdropping a failure in comprehension from CCHQ that there is even a problem linking the words "Auschwitz" and "gimmick". Reading between the lines I don't think even Guido believes that Cameron is not responsible or that this gaffe is not a gaffe.
To be fair every one of this PDF list of "gimmicks", with Auschwitz at No 4, comes in pretty rich from Cam.
The man who flew in a Carbon-belching executive jet to commune with Huskies; who went to great lengths to reap a whirlwind of guffaws for a half arsed wind turbine; who had a car or cars trail his PR bicycle, at least wearing a fetching helmet unlike Boris; who overnighted with an Asian family but imposed a phoney Tory for his cult-of-personality new party; and let's not forget the opportunity to referendum for more loos.
As Dominic Lawson pointed out last August that Cameron needs to learn the ropes if he's going to trade in gimmicks. With this insight into the Saatchi/Hilton/Cameron Axis of Gimmickry:It was one of the men who helped get Mrs Thatcher into power, Lord Saatchi, who this week landed the most savage blow on Mr Cameron. The great master of the brand image declared that the "modern, compassionate Conservative Party" did not seem to realise that "a political party is not a brand." Saatchi analysed Cameron's method to date and asserted it to be little more than an exercise in "brand decontamination". "Unfortunately," said Saatchi, "the nature of the supposed strain of contamination - 'nastiness' - is irrelevant to electoral outcomes.
It is a truth universally not acknowledged that politics is about money ... there is only one discriminator between electoral success and failure - the party rating for economic competence."
You need to know a little personal history to understand the passion in this brutal critique. It's not that Maurice Saatchi was Conservative Party chairman under the previous leader, Michael Howard - although he was. It is that Mr Cameron's strategy of "brand decontamination" - ridiculed by Saatchi as "nicey-nicey" - is entirely the creation of his "special adviser", Steve Hilton. Mr Hilton is a former protégé of Lord Saatchi - the advertising magnate recruited him to his agency, and reportedly said that "no one reminds me as much of me when young as Steve." The two men fell out during the 2002 Conservative Party conference, allegedly because Mr Hilton did not agree with Saatchi's insistence on tougher policy commitments - and the peer eventually disposed of his services.
This is presumably why - alongside their own gimmicks and lies - Cam and Goo continue to launch silly attack after silly attack on financial events which the Great British public ignore, like water off a duck's back. Are this "dream team" of a new relaxed conservatism - that we never actually believed in - quietly or rather manically becoming a pair of lame ducks?
Chris Paul
10:32 am
Labels: Guido Fawkes, Mister GuF, Paul Staines
Friday, February 22, 2008
Northern Rock: It's All George Osborne's Fault
Well, not quite; but PoliticalHackUK reports some poll results which support the complete vindication theory of the Rock and the Hard Place. Around 80% of the public in all rightly hold a factor or factors other than the skilled handling of a complex problem by the Treasury as being responsible.
Chris Paul
10:48 am
Doctor Emmanuele: Ten Years Search For The G Spot
The Guardian report that a Dr Emmanuele Jannini has established a further medical basis for the G Spot, or Not which the Tories and GuF have so spectacularly failed to hit on Northern Rock. Doctor Emmanuele who sports a remarkable amount of facial hair for a hot soft porn babe (above) considers herself born to be a sex doctor. She has subtly changed her spelling to avoid litigation from the official two LL franchise.
Hat tip: Political Hack UK. Diagram: New Scientist 2002.
Chris Paul
10:43 am
Labels: Guido Fawkes, Mister GuF, Paul Staines
Speaker of the House: Who Is Next For the High Chair?
Adam Boulton's crew are suggesting a couple of Tories to take over from Gorbals Mick should he cross over to the ermine. But who would Labour put up? For the next year or so Bob Marshall-Andrews would make a superbly skilled speaker, picking up a reward for backing Brown rather than Campaign Group colleague McDonnell. But Denis Skinner could be rather better value. And Diane Abbott would be a ground-breaking choice.
Chris Paul
10:24 am
Norman Baker MP: Hollywood Fantasy Screenplay?
Comments over at Dizzy's suggest that Norman Baker MP's bill for book-researching Written Parliamentary Questions alone could be £54,000. Plus the £32,000 we calculated for his own and office time compiling the things. And then there are the Freedom of Information requests. And any time involved in writing the damned book.
[spoiler alert]Suggestion even that a Hollywood Fantasy screenplay is even now taking shape in the Palace of Westminster. When My Left Foot came out my own mother informed a stunned household that this was about "an heroic mother". So Baker's screenplay is about the sleuth uncovering the conspiracy rather than the poor dead scientist, featured only in swirly flashback mode. Baker to be played by Jack Black, Kelly by Daniel Day Lewis, who else? I believe "Baker/Black" wakes up at the end and all the toss in the book turned out to be just a dream. In fact Baker/Black had been hypnotised by Al Queda's Osama Bin Laden (John Cleese) and done the deed himself. Quite a 'reveal' there at the end.[/spoiler alert]
Chris Paul
8:40 am
Guido Fawkes: Another Rubbish Graph and Analysis
Guido has published a classic "look mum no brains" graph which makes little sense. The figures are real enough but highly selective and with insufficient data for worthwhile analysis. Even for his own worthless analysis. GuF claims that Northern Rock actually has the worst mortgage book in the business.
This spurious conclusion is based on a comparison of absolute number of delinquent mortgages with four other lenders - but not Nationwide, or Halifax, or A&L, or AIB, or even RBS/Nat West.
Under water-boarding torture the GuFster has admitted in comments that rather than gathering the data himself as he implies he nicked it from a comment at
These mysterious folk are predicting a house price crash literally TEN TIMES the quantum of the average change for the blue chip predictors. And the latter have the change going upward.
Blue chip and LOL say: 3.5% growth. HPC and GuF say: 35% crash. Now it is speculation but I would guess that the people behind this site and GuF himself are betting on a crash and stand to gain handsomely if there is one. Guido will no doubt deny this vehemently if it is not true.
UPDATE: Guido has added a proper hat tip, shock. Looks like GuF has not only bottled the scrap with Manic but also turned over a new leaf as an honest broker. Credit where credit's due as it were.
Chris Paul
12:43 am
Labels: Guido Fawkes, Mister GuF, Paul Staines
Question Time: PPC Greg Stone Was the Twit at the End
Greg Stone, the failed Lib Dem PPC in Sedgefield pointed out on Lib Dem Voice that he was in tonight's audience. More than this, he got more-or-less the last word and made some rather empty schoolboy point. What a waste of such an opportunity. He chose the "with glasses option" this time out.
Chris Paul
12:07 am
Labels: Lib Dem, LibDem, Libdemologists
Thursday, February 21, 2008
Shaos Theory: Hob Nobbling Bloggers Cause Quakes?
Chaos Theory would have us believe that a butterfly flitting through the Amazon rainforest may cause a Tornado somewhere in the West Midlands.
Iain Dale highlights a very special case of this phenomenon, accepting the word of Shlomo Benizri, of the ultra-Orthodox Jewish Shas party of Israel, that earthquakes in the region are in fact caused by inappropriate "genital shaking" in Tonbridge Wells. Noble Mr Dale has taken a vow of chastity henceforth.
Certainly Mr Dale's most useful and amusing post for a week.
Chris Paul
11:56 pm
Labels: Iain Dale
Crying Wolf Dinner: A Showcase for Lib Dem MP Diversity
Tonight's Lib Dem Function in Manchester is for the Crying Wolf Fund. The flier boasts the mug shots of eight attending M(E)Ps. Snow White plus the seven dweebs of the North West. At a glance one can see the tremendous success of the Party's Diversity Strategy. Fortunately the Crying Wolf Fund isn't in aid of that. It's for what passes for "fighting the BNP" in Lib Dem circles. More later.
Chris Paul
5:26 pm
Labels: Lib Dem, LibDem, Libdemologists
Norman Baker MP: Dizzy Says £8,000, LOL Says £40,000
Dizzy wants to send Libdemologist conspiracy theorist and whacko Norman Baker (right) a bill for £8,000 in Parliamentary Questions as blatant research for his David Kelly book. This figure is based on the cost of answering such questions - all outside any portfolio he held or his constituency interest. There's also his time drafting 54 confounding questions, relevant staff time, office space and overheads. And all the rest of it.Let's say it is three weeks' work. That is say £4,000 for starters, or with the expenses overhead of around 300% £16,000, and with the House of Commons overhead doubling the salary and costs -> £32,000. Plus Dizzy's £8,000 marginal cost. We must hope that no parliamentarian time or overhead was spent thunking up, typing, editing, touting and launching the book.
That would be in addition. Didn't he take a bit of a sabbatical? From holding any portfolio and blah de blah to write the thing, and to go out swivel-eyed into the media world bigging it up? Perhaps lying down in a darkened room would have been a better option.
Chris Paul
4:35 pm
Manchester Casino: Come in Hazel B, Your Time is Up
If Hazel Blears does not come up with some demonstrably equally good or better ways to regenerate the proposed casino site, at what used to be called Eastlands, presumably Gordon Brown will be giving the casino plan the green light? David Ottewell exclusively reveals another slip between cup and lip.
What do we need? 3,000 jobs. And when do need them? Now! Mostly C1, C2, D walk to work jobs. Yet well paid. Providing immediate starts, careers, and strong local multipliers. We do not need an ABC1 mix that would be the lion's share of a quango or public office. Come on Hazel, deliver for Gordon or give us the Casino.
Chris Paul
1:56 pm
More Guff from the Gufster: Guido Fawkes Plays Thick
More GuF I'm afraid. Is Guido expecting us to believe he's thick as crusty dung? The Granite/Northern Rock relationship is clear and has been for months. Surely Guido is not so thick that he doesn't know the difference between owning something and having inward and/or outward obligations to partners?
Earlier the dyed-in-the-wool all-mouth-and-not-trousers bully boy was expecting us to believe he was so thick and juvenile - like the freshest and very thickest clotted cream perhaps - that he thought it was clever to split hairs on whether a person or transactions they are allegedly involved in are being investigated by the Metropolitan Police.
Obviously Guido flunked his degree - crashing and burning pitifully from some benighted yorkshire Tech - but there's always lifelong learning to offer a second chance. Would anyone join me in pledging £1 to a Guido Education Trust?
Chris Paul
11:14 am
Labels: Guido Fawkes, Mister GuF, Paul Staines
Alex Salmond: State Funded Limo for CurryPolitics?
'Oi, Salmond, pass the Mars Bar Pakoras jimmy, with a good old dollop of tax payer gravy.
Ridiculous Politics catches Salmond using a parliamentary chaffeur and limo on late night curry duty, not to mention to SNP political meetings.
Great stuff from the party of snouts in the trough and lest we forget playing with fire.
Chris Paul
8:46 am
Still More Kiddy Politics: Blogger Staines Rings and Runs
Looks like the right wing blogger and bon vivant, now the main source of hot economic analysis for the towering heights of capitalism has rung the bell for round one in a billion dollar scrap - centred on his persistent mendacity and thievery - and immediately thrown in the towel. Tim "Manic" Ireland, the champion, would have mashed the pudgy dipsoid.
Chris Paul
8:33 am
Wednesday, February 20, 2008
More Tory Kiddy Politics: 400 Words When 40 Will Do
Juvenile Manchester Tory letter writers might have said :"We disagree with Phil Woolas MP raising the issue of persistent marriages between first cousins - particularly prevalent among Pakistanis from rural backgrounds - and accuse him of blowing a dog whistle and pandering to racist elements in his constituency."
What they actually said is a very tedious and malformed rant. I'm surprised that the Manchester Evening News Postbag indulged them quite so much. Perhaps it has been edited down already?
Either way they - Messrs Adlard and Ali - are wrong in various regards. They impugn Mr Woolas by putting words into his mouth that were in fact press concoctions. They refuse to engage with a very serious issue. Are they supporting this kind of nonsense analysis?
Are Adlard and Ali effectively supporting that old tosh? This is of a kind with creationism, literalism and fundamentalism around Biblical texts. The learned Sheik's wishful thinking may say different. But it actually ignores the Quran. This cites the Prophet as commanding to: “marry those who are distant”.
These Tory Toddlers should not resile (like that Mary?) from having the debate. As on Pickled Politics where Bartholemew comments and posts a link to the NY Times which confirms that it is repeated cousin marrying cf toffs, royals and superstitious rural people that brings the dangers.
FOR THE RECORD: Phil Woolas is a tireless fighter against the BNP. And he has very publically slam dunked some local Lib Dems for very specific pandering and mirroring of racist attitudes. Reading his text and explanations is recommended rather than relying on the Daily Mail. First cousin marriage repeated generation upon generation is a very serious problem. Whereas as a one off it has little risk.
Adlard and Ali will very likely get a proper twatting from Phil himself in tomorrow's paper.
Chris Paul
11:13 pm
Labels: Lib Dem, LibDem, Libdemologists
Total Propaganda: Iain Dale Skies One on PMQs
Mr Dale's spar on Sky News this evening: "the ever fragrant Julia Hartley-Brewer" as he calls her; scored PMQs Gordon ****; Davey ***; Nicky ***. In the right ballpark I'd say. Following that Dale scored the tap dancing contest Gordon **; Davey ****; Nicky ***. Ridiculous bias or runaway Tory Boy Blogger enthusiasm? Bit of both I'd say.
Even Adam Boulton clearly thought Iain was addled on this one. Pointing out that Gordon's "student union politics" (above, a younger Cam left, with other Oxenford yah boos) was the concept that would stick, that Iain was a silly hypocrite to criticise that soundbite, that Davey had fumbled the ball by letting Clogg go first on Northern Rock, that Gordon looked statesmanlike compared to manic trotty Cam, that the Labour back benches were on good form. Even perhaps that Iain's favourite Freedom of Information Act question was in fact big pants.
Amazing isn't it? Gordon is getting better at this rather irrelevant tap dancing audition, while memory man and song and dance specialist Cam has lost his sparkle. Yet Dale claims Cam is twice as good as Brown? What codswallop!
Hilarious that Boulton was feigning concern that his audience was 80% behind Cam (Gordon 10%, Clogg 3%, None of the Above 7%). CLUE ADAM: Sky News is a highly biased parody "Agenda News". Going where even "Drop the Dead Donkey" feared to tread.
Chris Paul
11:04 pm
Labels: Iain Dale
Iain Dale's Diary: PMQs on Sky News at 8.30pm
Iain Dale seems to think that swivel-eyed mania and nastiness won PMQs for the boy David. Not so.
Didn't catch it live today. But I think that Gordon's "student union politics" is on the money. So who dear reader did you think 'WON" this today?
The crankier and more manic Cameron and GOO are on this matter the less people will vote for the Tories. Which is good. So crank it up to 11. Not even "third form" as we used to say in old money. (Year nine). 11 is the approximate age group informing the wit and repartee from the Blues. Put another one-bug on the fire Dear Flashman!
Everyone that could reasonably have been helped in this Northern Rock business has come out if not exactly smiling then at least relieved.
This Freedom of Information gambit from Little Boy Blue seems poor actually. Though "private and confidential" plus "commercial in confidence" is customarily excluded anyway it seems reasonable to cut off the mischief before it begins.
The Tory latter day conversion to the nuclear option on this ailing, very minor, third tier mortgage bank would very clearly have been far far worse. Much as it was attractive momentarily as an alternative to bailing out foolish capitalists it would have hurt working people more. Making the "Dead Man Walking" jibe from the Baronet Sir GOO of Tatton extraordinary.
Answering a question with a question is of course absolutely within the rules of engagement for this particular sport. Why is Iain Dale questioning that? Can he not remember Maggie at the dispatch box? It's meaningless banter and yah boo for the most part. Requiring to have to do it well to be considered by Dale and Co to be a sound PM is like having to undertake a tap dancing audition when you're applying for a professional services job. Pathetic nonsense! Mr Dale should know better than to take this process too seriously.
You might have a laugh as the best-qualified candidate fails to plié to order; but they still get the real job. The preening young principal boy can go swivel. As we say from time to time up here in Manchester.
Tories are looking nasty. Wild-, nay swivel-eyed. The louder they wail the more their toff in-breeding comes to the surface.
Is that an inexcusable personal comment? No. That's just an appropriate way to critique PMQs the way David "end to yah boo politics" Cameron is playing it. This was my take on the real issues of the Rock, yesterday.
Chris Paul
4:32 pm
Labels: Iain Dale
Period Drama: Private Equity Lil-lets Pensions Travesty
LOL'll certainly not be buying any more of this product. Hat tip: Unite.
Chris Paul
3:53 pm
Tuesday, February 19, 2008
Northern Rock: History Will Vindicate Darling
So says Hopi Sen here. LOL agree 100% with all three predictions. 1. Northern Rock will be a money spinner;
2. Natasha will have time limited effect on Five;
3. Gordon will edge PMQs tomorrow.
Five are going to be on an upward swing anyway because of factors other than the lovely NK so it may be a little difficult to analyse the out turn.
On Nothern Rock old Peston - the former lothario, not short of self-regard - reminded us on Radio 5 Live of this being "his" story, said he agreed with or at least accepted the arguments to be patient until mid January but thought the temporary public ownership should have started then.
So what has changed in the last few weeks for the worse? The share price? Er no. That was already rock bottom. The depositors' lot? Er no. Still sorted. The borrowers' lot? Er no again. The workers' lot? Er no, another few weeks of secure employment before any storms on the horizon.
The Lib Dems? Who cares? The Tories? Well, yes actually, their lot has substantially worsened. They dithered and failed to commit to any coherent stance for longer. Their whining has become more and more nauseating. GOO has got more and more manic, more and more silly, and more and more toff-like.
Clearly the sky has not fallen on anyone's head through the management of events, post cash flow crisis. Clearly households are not really three thousand pounds apiece worse off. We have NR's assets and not just liabilities. Besides it's paper.
The Tories have been crying wolf about this and everything else. The world can now see that. The counter proposal to have let the thing go bump immediately was (a) not what they said at the time and (b) not in the tax payers, depositors, borrowers or workers interests. How would that have benefitted shareholders.
It is George Osborne and David Cameron who have been incompetent. Politically incompetent. And Gordon will punish them tomorrow afternoon for that.
UPDATE: Liam of Cassilis has a different take. Guido has ejaculated prematurely on the same matter.
Chris Paul
3:46 pm
Labels: Guido Fawkes, Lib Dem, LibDem, Libdemologists, Mister GuF, Paul Staines
USA Primaries: Obama Admits Burning Riffs
Six thousand six hundred comments and counting. Clinton team kick Obama for plagiarism. And what comments they are too.
Chris Paul
3:17 pm
Guido Fawkes: Karl Marx Predicted End is Nigh
Oh dear me. The half-baked prattlings of the right wing libertarian blogger, hedgie, charity commission investigatee, unmitigated self aggrandiser, false prophet, infiltrator of both fascists and SDP, and pernicious tax avoider Paul Staines aka Guido Fawkes aka Mr GuF are, according to the great dramatist himself, to form the new foundation for the decisions of those scaling the towering heights of global capitalism.
This could be the tipping point that Marx was waiting for.
Meanwhile: Speaking of tipping points, a generous hat tip to GuF for pointing his cavalier tifter at Slugger O'Toole and BBC for coverage of the beginnings of the downfall of Paisley Junior. Last time I was in North Antrim the word was the uncharismatic chip off the old block was out of his depth in hot waters over land deals in the Bay which nestles round Giant's Causeway. More anon I'll be bound.
Chris Paul
11:05 am
Labels: Guido Fawkes, Mister GuF, Paul Staines
Revolting Tories: Badgering Bullshitter Dave Cam
Country boy - Essex stylee - Iain Dale is actually getting a bit of a kicking over his gung-ho attitude to, unsupported assertions, and superstititious twaddle on badger culling. Including from at least one farmer who is dead set against culls on their land.As far as I can recall one of the small farmer USPs that gets trotted out all the time to justify extension of subsidies, even an application to join the public sector pay roll, is the old "guardian of the countryside, creator and saviour of animal habitats" one.
Clearly there is some - probably modest - connection between some badgers and some bovine TB, and some cows and some badger Tb for that matter. More so though between land and stock management and more bovine TB.
Spending some time most weeks walking and running over farmland all over these fair isles with my dogs I can assure you Iain that the quality of the boundary fences and stock management varies wildly.
If you have bovines grazing near badger habitats you need very good fences and to stop badgers sharing your cattle's water, rations, straw etc.
Obviously Cam is an upper class twit who is full of bull. His mate George is the same, but with more deliberate mendacity in my view. But culling our dear badgers mercilessly is not the answer to any sensible question.
What Iain Dale's post actually represents is not so much a superstitious attack on badgers so much as a renewal of hostilities from the Davis camp - which included Mr Conway and Mr Dale and Mr Fawkes? among others - on the toffee nosed twittery of Cameron, Osborne, Johnson and the other Cuddly Nu Tory forces.
UPDATE: A reasonably even-handed review of cow-badger relations from wildlife online, also the source of the photo.
Chris Paul
10:36 am
Labels: Iain Dale
Monday, February 18, 2008
Man Libdemologists: Another One Bites the Dust
LOL's coy post of last night about Simon Ashley's frantic attempts at telesales to his own disillusioned councillors was posted ten hours after another of the Lib Dem group had announced their decision to leave and join Manchester Labour. The second to go in 2008.
Cllr Abid Chohan (37) (pictured, courtesy MEN) a solicitor and former Labour member has come back to the fold rather than chasing Cllr Faraz Bhatti and Sajjad Karim MEP into the Tories.
Lib Dem group "leader" Simon Ashley, who has been under-performing for years, is claiming to have "taken the whip away" from Abid ahead of the Sunday High Noon meeting in Cllr Richard Leese's Town Hall office which sealed the deal.
Shortly after petulantly slamming the 'phone down on him - not the greatest persuasion technique in the world.
As Dave Ottewell reports in today's early edition of the Manchester Evening News Cllr Chohan had been selected to sit with Nick Clegg MP at a jolly fundraising dinner this Wednesday Thursday evening in Gorton constituency. And with Abid weighing up his ways out of the miserable Lib Dem group for around three months now Ashley would do well to fall on his sword ahead of Clogg's visit.
The Lib Dems are now in the wonderful position a couple of months out from polling day of not having a clue which of their candidates up for election on 1 May 2008 are planning to switch sides* if and when they win.
And what's more they don't know how many more of the class of 2004 - like Cllr Faraz Bhatti (Con) and Abid Chohan (Lab) - will cross the floor either side of polling day. As we proclaimed at the start of January Bhatti's defection is the gift to Labour that simply keeps right on giving. Both Bhatti and Chohan have until 2011 before they face re-election. Any Lib Dems returned this time who then choose to switch will have until 2012.
* LOL is not prepared at this time to provide a list, let's keep them guessing!
Chris Paul
12:12 pm
Labels: Lib Dem, LibDem, Libdemologists
Sunday, February 17, 2008
Tory Sleaze: Del Boy Con-way Loses Cherry
Thursday LOL demand Tory Sleazebag Del Boy Conway loses his bonus pay and Friday tea time the BBC report that our requirement has been met unconditionally.
Chris Paul
11:48 pm
Intercept Evidence: Ashley Like Headless Chicken
Ever since the ambitious young plane spotter Cllr Faraz Bhatti booked a room and started a kissy kissy love in with Dave Cameron's Conservatives poor old Manchester Lib Dem "leader" Simon Ashley has worn a worried frown rather than his more customary addled village idiot grin.
Intercept evidence now reaching LOL finds Simple Simon ringing round one or two or three or four of his wandering flock - the ones considered to be the biggest flight risk - seeking their expressions of fealty. Any who will not instantly kiss his ring, metaphorically speaking, find the 'phone slammed down on them.
Big questions are doing Lib Dem rounds on Ashley's choice of cold calls. The question is not "Why Me?" among the waverers he does identify. But "Why Not Me?" among those he has missed. "Doesn't he care if I leave?" they implore.
When, or if, Cllr John Leech MP gives up his council fiefdom the two who remain there will become a definite flight risk. Shameless Norm and Semi Tone are both Labourites at heart and will very likely look upon the newly elected Councillor Hacking as the Officer material to replace the perennial NCO Leech.
Chris Paul
11:20 pm
Labels: John Leech, Lib Dem, LibDem, Libdemologists
Method to Madness: Tory Trot Cross Makes Sense
If revolting Tories are to "take to the streets" as suggested by one of GuF's commentators it does explain how the crossing of a revolutionary communist SWP Councillor to the Tories is so welcome in Tower Hamlets Conservative circles. The "webel" is Bengali too as it goes, so may know a thing or too about Sharia Law. Which is the basis of the ever so reliable Mail on Sunday story GuF takes so seriously.
Watch out for Tory Workers Party stalls on a high street near you, the launch of the new Tory Worker newspaper, and a proliferation of special interest groups such as Eats Shoots and Leaves-esque "Fighting Unions Campaign", plus "Toff War Against Terror" and "Conservatives against Climate Change" perhaps?
Chris Paul
11:23 am
Labels: Guido Fawkes, Mister GuF, Paul Staines
Nasty Party: Funny Game of Doctors and Nurses
Kevin Maguire carries on the good fight against the wallpaper heir, future Baronet and former Buller Bully Boy Sir George GOO Osborne:George Osborne has appalled fellow Tories with a sick jibe about another shadow chancellor.
Moderates in the party revere Iain Macleod, who suffered a heart attack just weeks after entering the Treasury when Ted Heath became PM in June 1970.
But that did not stop Osborne making fun of him at an event organised by the Policy Exchange think-tank.
The shadow chancellor said: "I'm a great admirer of Iain Macleod but I'm not planning to die within a month of becoming Chancellor of the Exchequer."
It is not the first time Osborne, who changed his first name from Gideon to sound less posh, has caused massive offence.
The wallpaper firm heir branded Gordon Brown "autistic" at the Tory party conference two years ago.
The Tories are always at this sort of thing with Iain Dale throwing about mental health diagnoses like confetti.
As Iain the patient argued Diabetes Can Be Beaten. The question is: Can Tory joshing and gybing based on medical complaints and amateur diagnoses be shown the road too?
Chris Paul
10:51 am
Labels: Iain Dale