Saturday, March 31, 2007
Manchester Withington Selection: The People Have Spoken - Hats Off To Lucy Powell
Lucy Powell has today won selection as Labour's candidate by a handsome margin. We can now look forward to persuading the citizens of Manchester Withington to back Lucy with the same vigour as their local Labour Party have done.
Well done to Jenny Lennox, Nargis Khan, Naheed Arshad-Mather and Yogesh Virmani. To Brendan and all the officers of the constituency. And to Andy Smith who provided expert support from Regional Office.
Chris Paul
6:37 pm
Manchester Withington Selection: Constituency Demographics
On old boundaries, Withington had:
6.7% Indian/Pakistani/Bangladeshi
2.5% Chinese
0.8% of "Other Asians"
0.97% Black
3.98% "Other not white"
These tally these up to 14.95%.
The Chorlton ED that was part of Whalley Range/Central had 1528 people in 2001. Almost 40% of these were classed as not white-British. With a large proportion in the Pakistan, Bangla or other Muslim communities.
Recent local intelligence suggests:
That the population has grown quite strongly in the last six years.
That this growth is concentrated in Asian Communities and graduate ABC1 with some overlap.
That 16 to 17% of the constituency electorate will be BME on polling day.
Including a considerable element of rising 18s.
That more than half of these will be from Asian Muslim communities.
The demographic of the Student Cohort (below) has increasing BME representation.
THIS provides a fascinating treasure trove of demographics by ward, by Special Output Area (SOA) and also for comparison in larger areas, regions and of course nationally.
It is estimated that there are 3,500 to 4,000 students and expected that substantially more than the 1 to 2% of this group voting in most elections will participate. With a strong antipathy to both the War and New Labour.
Chris Paul
12:41 pm
Manchester Withington: It's Official "John Leech & Co Propping Up Foot of the Table" Say Lib Dems
This is a ranking of Lib Dem MPs by media-worthiness conducted by Lib Dems. Three we might regard locally as inveterate media gannets come out very badly indeed in this scientific study. No further comment necessary.
Chris Paul
8:26 am
Labels: John Leech, LibDem, Libdemologists
Manchester Withington Selection: Genuine Supporters' Endorsements
First Posted Wednesday, February 14 and reposted February 27, 2007
Withington Selection: Supporters' Endorsements
Any candidate's supporters may post 150-word endorsements here by submitting comments on this post. Please abide by these seven simple rules for this post only:1. Recommended 150-word maximum, but 50 is fine;
2. No more anonymous or aliased contributions please;
3. Use other or a blogger/google account with real full name;
(Parburypolitica and other well known handles acceptable)
4. Strictly no personation please;
5. Strictly no abuse or disparagement of others;
6. Positive, Positive, Positive;
7. * One comment per contributor on any candidate.
* LoL will accept genuine supporting statements for several candidates from one commentator.
Chris Paul
3:00 am
Immigration Appeal Tribunal: Nul Poins as Norway. But So Very Nicely ... plus Stoke is Dope
Much of today with Tarus' visa appeal. In Stoke.
Remarkably close to Manchester. Just 45 miles door to door. So near yet so far.
Will do some kind of short Stoke derive series. Extended analysis of law as ass, and of buck passing.
A case of unintended consequences and strict liability, category error and, whisper it, perhaps a little maladministration here and there.
Not to mention our own inexperience in a vacuum of advice.
As things stand Tarus must leave voluntarily within 30 days or be classed overstayer and future pariah. Any person NOT constrained by strictness of statute would understand, flex, and give leave to remain.
Judge's summing up: "I congratulate you on your talent and achievements. And I hope these will continue. Hopefully here in England." OWTTE.
Tribunal facility excellent. Porters, Clerks, Secretary of State's representative and Immigration Judge all marvellous. No names, pack drill or identifiers as some sparky sayings may be reported later.
Two very congenial sessions. Some nice and inspiring walks around Hanley/Stoke. Now the task is to change the world just a bit by taking this case onwards and upwards. Plus Stoke was 'Sick' meaning good.
UPDATE: John Lennon programme is a fillip. Won his appeal in the end. Tarus too is all peace and love. But also keen to join the British Army, which we pursued today. Which T's welcome to. He can come 'home' on leave and hope officer commanding athletics keeps him out of combat.
Tarus is seen above winning the 2006 Rochdale 10k. By quite a bit.
Chris Paul
12:05 am
Friday, March 30, 2007
Manchester Withington Selection: Dedicated Followers of Fashion?
Did promise Lorenzo23 that I'd include descriptions of candidate's hustings outfits. Suffice to say there were no ponchos, no cardigans, no faux pas; just five smart women.
Chris Paul
9:53 pm
Manchester Confidential: Silver Smurfers Screw Cazzi
GORDO, the GUIDO of Manchester, gets the Oh Lor' Blimey Carry On of the unelected and inbred about right.
Actually Gordo is better than Guido.
Better satire, fewer lies, no cheesy merchandise. And naturellement Gordo is not a self serving, self aggrandising, old hippy, alt.capitalist. He is? Oh well, can't have everything.
Chris Paul
8:19 pm
Labels: Guido Fawkes, Mister GuF, Paul Staines
NUS Elections 2007: Sadly No Go Fo So
Click So to her disappointment. "NUS illiteracy boom": Wes Streetitng (sic).
Chris Paul
8:09 pm
Eric Hobin: Councillor for Charlestown
Councillor Eric Hobin (Manchester, Charlestown) died 29 March 2007
An Elected Member of Manchester City Council for more than a decade, serving most recently on Community Regeneration and Licencing and Appeals Committees, Eric Hobin was also on the Board of Northwards Housing, a respected member of the Higher Blackley and Charlestown Crime and Disorder Reduction Panel, and a good friend of both my own Athletic Club, Salford Harriers based at Boggart Hole Clough in his ward, and of The Whitemoss Club for Young People.
Rest in Peace.
Chris Paul
7:49 am
Guido Fawkes: Entering the House with Money Grubbing Intentions
It is hard to associate Guido Fawkes' Live Interview with Paxman and White with anything other than a hope of self aggrandisement. Though LOL was wrong to doubt his and BBC foolishness.Guido could well sell more Tees by being an amateur.
An amateur what though? Not a journalist. Not a commentator. Not a maven. Just a look-at-me in-the-shadows tosser with a disemboweller's bill-hook to grind.
Guido's segment is here. Much better than the interview. Which showed up Mr GuF as an amateur who does not protect his sources.
The LOL poll on means of execution, or pardon is here.
Chris Paul
3:15 am
Labels: Guido Fawkes, Mister GuF, Paul Staines
Thursday, March 29, 2007
NUS: Sofie has Trotsky with one FLICKr of Her Finger
Call me a bit post-modern and that. But just a bit like a young Broad Left Hazel Blears is this Labour Party card-carrying AWL* member. Innit?
* AWL? Don't ask - who knows?
Chris Paul
11:45 pm
Chorlton Against War: Nothing To Be Scared Of
No worry about room capacity. But a good meeting. Jenny Lennox and Naheed Arshad-Mather seized their chance of practice in a realistic hustings environment.
Apology from Lucy as blogged before - keeping the process internal to the party. No sign of a written statement from Nargis or Yogesh. But it was announced that both had written to SMR with anti-war positions. Personally I'm pretty sure Lucy would back Keith Bradley's stance of 2003 if she were not keeping her cards so close to her chest.
Both nominees made a very good fist of five minute speeches focussed on the Iraq War with a dabble at Trident. Naheed with a well structured speech she had prepared earlier and delivered fluently. Jenny deliberately choosing to extemporise. Both were on the nail of five minutes.
Jenny showed initiative and commitment introducing letters to MPs, Attorney General and Foreign Secretary to be signed by all the gathering. On the issue of frontline Journalist casualties. Last year these exceeded those of British service personnel. LOL will post the letters or link to them if they are available. Click, ye shall receive. Thanks Miles and Stephen.
In their different ways both dealt with some REAL questions very well indeed. We must only hope that the questions on Saturday are as effective at giving candidates a chance to distinguish themselves as tonight's were. These two women were able to deal with tough questions very effectively.
Any tendancy for planted questions and pat answers on Saturday, while not actually being booed, hissed or jeered will be noted by all selectorites keen for a PPC who can really think on their feet. Hard ball please.
Some distinctions were drawn following a fiery speech by ex-Labour Member and until recently Labour supporter Colin Barker (SWP/Respect) who had a not so little list of ten or more failures of Blair's Labour that certainly coincides fairly well with those concerning Labour people outside TB's inner circle.
Both candidates answered well and Jenny was again on the ball. Actually distributing membership application forms!
Jenny connected best with this audience. She was passionate, humourous, intelligent and coherent.
Naheed was impressive and brave in taking unpopular policy areas - such as Top Up Fees - and expressing why it was she was prepared to live with them even as a socialist.
Both were asked (by Miles, natch) about their preferences on the leader/deputy leader field so far. Jenny said McDonnell and hoped for a strong left of centre woman to throw her hat in the ring. Naheed said she could stand Brown, and might back Blears as a strong woman in a neighbouring constituency.
This was just a little surprising. But refreshingly honest and no dodging or framing answers for the gallery.
Jenny well ahead for me. Others strongly for Naheed. If it were between these two my view is that we could pick an excellent candidate and enjoy a return to a decent and honest MP. As it should be. This process is so much stronger than the Lib Dems had in ditching Yasmin Zalzala OVERTLY in some quarters for being a single-minded, black, muslim woman. The desperado John Leech got the nod as by-any-and-all-means-necessary crypto-fib-candidate.
Audience may come here and comment. Pictures coming. Over to the floor. Miles blogged it HERE.
Chris Paul
10:45 pm
Labels: John Leech, LibDem, Libdemologists
National Union of Students: Election of President
Dave's Part has the nostalgic story.
Incumbent Labourite Gem is standing for another spin round the block as an independent, the feminist socialist Sofie (pictured) is standing with a placard, plus LOL's mate and yours Manchester University's outgoing Prezz and ongoing Trot Rob Owen.
Coming from a "good Labour family" it seems Rob has fallen in with the wrong crowd at college. He's not entirely stupid, in fact he's quite bright. And one day we may get him back.
Meanwhile Blackpool residents say: "Thank goodness that we're still not too scuzzy for the Students. Those Political Parties say they're fed up with meals in our finest restaurants out of styrofoam. They've even taken our Cazzie. They're saying we were plumb last in the assessment. Thank goodness for students!"
TRIVIA QUESTION: Is Sofie a member of any Political Party herself? Answers on a postcard of the Golden Mile please.
UPDATE: Discussion over at Dave's is especially re the War and also anti-semitism. It's quite interesting. Answer to my trivia question there also. Which fact has been kicking up a bit of a storm in some circles.
Chris Paul
5:15 pm
Where's Wally?: One of Our Libdemologists is Missing
These little yellow invaders with frowns on their faces and fibs on their tongues are Libdemologists. But one of Manchester's diminishing supply of the little buggers is missing.
Can readers please help track him down? The fact they're all much the same - except in their policies which are different on every doorstep - means they are hard to pin down.
Chas Glover, so sadly bye-elected in Gorton South, has been on the missing list ever since.
The Ashley brothers turfed their tenant out of the paternal house immediately after polling day so they could sell it, and perhaps aware he was alleged to be part of a coup plot, and CG has been actively avoiding the Council Chamber with just one appearance.
He is not living in Chorlton - where he was until recently a "local lad".
Or Failsworth where he was "a canny local lad" (Cyril Smith).He is certainly not apparent living in Gorton South where he again became a "local resident" the day he rolled up with his carpet bag.
Perhaps he is staying with friends in the City Centre?
There have been unconfirmed sightings. But hard to believe "Lazy" Glover could not drag himself to the Town Hall if he lived quarter of a mile away.
Or perhaps he's lying down in a darkened room to get his strength back? Carrying that carpet bag full of fibs around is an exhausting business. In fact he was kicked out as a Councillor in Failsworth, Oldham because he was "too tired" to do anything. In fact he was alleged to have been away working and partying in Rotterdam most of the time. Perhaps he is there now?
Even the Lib Dems don't know where he is: though LOL did overhear one rather bitchy colleague saying Chas was "all over the place". Omnipresent like a supreme being? Or everywhere and nowhere, baby?
LIB DEM TROLLS: Claim Glover's attendance record and commitment have been good. He has an address in Levenshulme. Please see comments.
Chris Paul
4:43 pm
Labels: Cyril Smith, LibDem, Libdemologists, Rochdale
Guido Fawkes Poll: Vote Running 11-0 To Re-Execute
HERE, but come on let's have some more votes! Keep 'em coming. Vote early, vote often. Once per IP per day.
Chris Paul
4:18 pm
Labels: Guido Fawkes, Mister GuF, Paul Staines
Cllr John"Two Jobs" Leech MP: Christie Hoax Will Keep Biting Leech on the Bum
This deserves a post of its own as well as being a footnote on another.The councillor that didn't join Ashley's petulant walk out - at least the third in the job - was Cllr John Leech MP who either saw the alleged Nazi salute and actually has some standards, or he felt he needed to stay to defend himself against accusations of his Lib Dem hoaxing and fibbing.
Johnnie Two Jobs should really have been in Westminister that day ... where he would have heard accusations, you've guessed it, that he and his Lib Dems were hoaxing and fibbing. Rt Hon John Prescott MP, Health Minister Andy Burnham MP and Blackley MP Graham Stringer (and his EDM signers) have now placed their disgust at Johnny's Hospital Hoax on the record in Hansard and/or PIMS.
Leech had struck first with his own pre-emptive backside-covering EDM on the matter. I must say that it is remarkable that any Labour MPs signed it given the back story. Like the Manchester Withington electorate they were taken in by a slick fibber. Seven MPs signed both!
The Lib Dems were completely recovered from their existential angst about their alleged inner Nazi just ten minutes later when the traditional liggers' luncheon was served. Puddings before Principles!
Chris Paul
4:08 pm
Labels: John Leech, LibDem, Libdemologists
Trade Unions: Should They Take On New Members Who Are Already Considering or in a Grievance?
I'd say a qualified yes. Just heard a story of someone being hugely discriminated against by management. Not following their own rules never mind civilized human behaviour.
Worker in a managerial grade where there is less unionisation. Being refused membership and help. Problems have escalated since. And this in a low-membership industry.
Is that the right way to go? Arguments on both sides. Comments please.
Chris Paul
3:01 pm
Manchester Evening News and Metro: Completely Miss The Stories on Cazzi
Disappointing. While the Metro (our Friday delivered one, not the bus-sheet) held the front page for the story they've rather missed it. As have the semi-detached Manchester Evening News.
Cllr John Leech MP and his opportunist colleagues voted AGAINST Manchester in the Commons. Followed by Lib Dem loony peers fronting the destruction of the Statutory Instrument and end of all 17 new casinos in the Lords.
It is true that 12 Labour Lords were also revolting and the Lords whipping was a sad failure.
But this completely NAILS the idea that the Manchester Lib Dems have even the slightest influence over their parliamentary colleagues. They cannot even influence Leech.Unless that is Simple Simon is saying one thing in public but egging on his disgraceful wreckers in private? You never know. Stranger things have happened. Meanwhile, as predicted on this blog (in comments), Barbara Silly MP collected herself and Barbara Keeley MP did not vote against Manchester. Well done.
Chris Paul
1:29 pm
Labels: John Leech, LibDem, Libdemologists
Manchester Withington Selection: Let's See What the Mail's Dragged In
Overnight: Email from Yogesh:Dear Member,
I am just letting you know that my campaign website is up and running - you can visit it by clicking on the following link:
Please remember, I am your most experienced local candidate, who stands the best chance of winning against strong Lib Dem opposition – make sure you support me as your candidate no1 to enhance the chances of winning Withington Constituency for Labour in the next General Election.
Please feel free to contact me, and I look forward to seeing you at the hustings on 31st March.
Yogesh Virmani
28 March 2007
Was expecting a refreshed website but this is the same one. It also encountered the digital equivalent of an underpostage with some unavailability due to excess downloading. Fixed last time I looked.Ooops. 12:38, gone again. Yogesh IS the most local candidate. So if that floats your boat she's the one to sail with.
Overnight: Email from Jenny's people. Interesting but not I'll wager (nearly said barter then but that would have made no sense) intended for publication. I'll publish something if it is sent to me at the usual eddress. Same goes for other candidates naturally. Here at the home of fair play.
This morning: Fantastic thank you letter from Burnage star candidate Frank Duffy. He has written to a score of volunteers for putting in an hour or so each on the knocker in Burnage.
Frank really and truly deserves to smash the Lib Dems there and get our foot back in the door in Burnage. Labour took it from the Tories virtually a generation ago. We need to get all three seats back within six years if we can. This is year three. The Lib Dems are helping through inactivity, schoolboy errors in the Council Chamber (Complaints to Standards*, ongoing) and fibby infantilism. Burnage knocking LOL - will return to.
This morning: Brilliant letter from Nargis Khan. Great photo. Without the trade mark wink. And with a winning grin rather than the patent Lib Dem Killer grimace. Will post if send a pdf, or just the text.
Still waiting: Lucy and Naheed may have missed the post? If so, send here and I'll post them up without fear or favour. PDF will appear across the usual LOL measure which is around A5 portrait I guess. So good clear font. Or send the text with letterhead pdf and I'll segue them in normal type size.
This afternoon will see publication of The South Manchester Reporter and - apart from following the non-story of the blogger bloke who correctly reported that Shameless Frank Gallagher looks like Shameless Norman Lewis - LOL will be on the lookout for letters from candidates and stories in run of paper too.
Every now and then they are leaked and run some skewed story about internal Labour Party business by people who should know better. Let's hope not in this all-important eve of poll edition.* The councillor that didn't join Ashley's petulant walk out - at least the third in the job - was Cllr John Leech MP who either saw the alleged salute and actually has some standards, or felt he needed to stay to defend himself against accusations of his Lib Dem hoaxing and fibbing.
Johnnie Two Jobs should really have been in Westminister that day ... where he would have heard accusations, you've guessed it, that he and his Lib Dems were hoaxing and fibbing. Rt Hon John Prescott MP, Health Minister Andy Burnham MP and Blackley MP Graham Stringer (and his EDM signers) have now placed their disgust at Johnny's Hospital Hoax on the record in Hansard.
Leech had struck first with his own pre-emptive backside-covering EDM on the matter. I must say that it is remarkable that any Labour MPs signed it given the back story. Like the Manchester Withington electorate they were taken in by a slick fibber. Seven MPs signed both!
The Lib Dems were al recovered from their existential angst about the alleged inner Nazi just ten minutes later when the traditional liggers' luncheon was served.
Chris Paul
11:47 am
Labels: John Leech, LibDem, Libdemologists
Biffa The Blogger: Don't Go There
Just corrected the Lorenzo Portal on request - please remember to ask for any corrections or amendments, the sooner you ask the sooner they are done - and idly clicked the link too.
Just been tapping away for half an hour on his sticki (like wiki, but personal) about Whalley Range Stadium, and Fallowfield Stadium. Could spend hours there ... so if you have limited self control, don't go there.
There is something for everyone. Food, History, Football, Local Politics, Culture ... - you name it Biffa/Lorenzo's got it. When I have a few hours or days to kill I'll do a proper write up ...
Chris Paul
9:35 am
Wednesday, March 28, 2007
Humble Pie: LOL was Wrong, The Liar Guido Fawkes Did Newsnight Live After All
But the self-made obsessive red herring and wild goose chaser (not to mention canny blogmeister businessman and former summer of love rave billionaire and city boy trillionaire) did in fact get hung, drawn and quartered by Michael White.
Michael knew exactly who Paul Staines was. he had seen him before being scruffy and disreputable. And he regarded GuF rather like something whiffy that had messed up his Hush Puppies.
Guido (pleadingly): "But I do break stories"
Michael (confidently): "Like what?"
G (cockily): "Like the second email system at No 10"
M: "But there isn't one. That was wrong."
G: "I got it from Nick Robinson"
M: "Really, where did he get it from?"
No love lost then. Truth is GuF is a purveyor of gossip, obsessive compulsive non-stories, but nonetheless a fantastic web business. Get the Tee. Buy the Book. But for goodness sake: Don't Believe The "News"! It's often Rot. Guido is a Liar and he doesn't care much as he having fun and making a good bit of cash. Perhaps he'll have the last laugh.
MEANWHILE: Apologies, Guido did do Newsnight live. They probably refused his suggestion of tricking it! But my ridiculous kite was of course way off the straight and narrow. Lying like Guido ... I can handle it.
Chris Paul
11:39 pm
Labels: Guido Fawkes, Mister GuF, Paul Staines
Caitlin McClatchley: World Swimming Championships
Caitlin McClatchey - Commonwealth Champion at 200m Free - has just finished 7th, two seconds off her best behind Mamadou's smashing of the world record. CMcC's dad John was a year or two above me at Uni and is now a Professor of Physical Geography. John was an excellent Water Polo player and Manchester dominated the sport for a couple of years. His brother Alan, Caitlin's uncle was himself a champion freestyler.
The last time I saw John was in 1983 on the summit of Ben Nevis. He on a field trip with some of his students. Me running the third "Peak" in the Three Peaks Yacht Race. Quite amazing I was up there for a minute at most. There was a little snow in mid Summer but it was a clear day. But I met someone I knew in one of the remotest places in the British Isles.
Hopefully I'll see him at The XXI Club 75th Anniversary Dinner on 10th November 2007. And if he brings a Commonwealth Champion or two with him that would be a big bonus.
I'll stick the links in later. Have to do a little Humble Pie and change a link before bedtime.
PS: Both the McClatchey boys were Scotland and I think GB internationals at Freestyle and Polo respectively, Alan and John.
Chris Paul
11:31 pm
All Bets Are Off: Lib Dem Lords 3 Commons Sense 1 Cllr John Leech MP: Votes Against Manchester
Incredible. Tessa Jowell gets all her casino ducks lined up in the Commons facing down all but 18 rebels. In the Lords however a Lib Dem amendment nixxing the deal completely is carried 123-120.
Notable that far less Peers voted on this one than on retaining 100% privilege.
Notable too that Simple Simon Ashley's bullish case for Manchester was completely ignored by his party who have been let down over and over again - like the people of Manchester - by his false promises and negativity.
Cllr Leech MP - the one with the chimp on his shoulder - voted AGAINST. Not sure whether the Speaker of the House called him for a rip-roaring speech slamming the Council in Manchester for making innovative plans and winning fair and square.
Labour Whips in the Lords meanwhile should be taken outside and shot. (Joke).
Chris Paul
7:23 pm
Labels: John Leech, LibDem, Libdemologists
Guido Fawkes: The Liar is Doing The Sting to His Own Loyal Co-Conspirators
The renowned liar Guido Fawkes who has already recorded a segment for tonight's Newsnight AND an interview with Paxo as revealled by Squire Dale and by HIMSELF.
He has put a poll on his dastardly site asking his readers whether he should take up the invitation or not.
And you thought Blue Peter were bad? More anon on that last one. See the Guido segment HERE.
And go to your bookies now and see if you can get £1,000 on Paxman to tell Guido to his face but not quite live that what he's saying is bollocks.
Chris Paul
4:10 pm
Labels: Guido Fawkes, Mister GuF, Paul Staines
Labour of Love Stats: On The Up And Up
Last week: Record visits in one day 398
Daily average, last five days: 375
Total for week: 2,200
Page impressions: towards 5,000
Upward curve: Steep
Adverts: What do readers think?
Graphic: After via Suzanne's On The Knocker
Forward plans: Some minor redesigns to give wider format - next two weeks. Displaying less days on face of blog - under consideration. Blogroll - reviewed today. Withington Menu - rationalised today. Sister and Brother blogs - under development. Rejoined NUJ - form posted (GPMU too). More polls - likely. More looky-likies - you bet. More anon - every time.
Chris Paul
2:45 pm
Manchester Withington Selection: Rationalisation
Labour of Love has rationalised the selection posts to date. All the original posts remain in date order but there are now a set of "jump sites" - all placed on February 15 - for Rounds one to Three and the proposed Head to Head. Two posts without the Withington Selection banner have been added to the menu. The Diane Abbot one because it deals with issues of representation and in the comments reflects the constituency's secret demography. And the Blears/Ussher one because it and the comments discuss the approach to Selection/Election of these two Trojans (or Amazons?) and may give cause for reflection.
YOUR ENDORSEMENTS: This page is still available. Please consider the word limit relaxed to 150. Bernard Leech has added one recently.
Chris Paul
12:49 pm
Labels: John Leech, Libdemologists
Labour of Love Links: Hatches, Matches, Dispatches
Today I have reciprocated a new link from John Hirst's excellent site. John was in the shovel for 35 years and posts as Jailhouse Lawyer. He won victory over prisoners voting rights in Strasbourg. I'm sorry New Labour, but John is right. Huntley probably will not vote, but if he does, so what? 85,000 other prisoners SHOULD NOT be deprived of their human rights because of a few badder apples.
I've also added Lorenzo Portal to the works of the shy and unassuming Beedles' About. And also in stark contrast K Cross Clan. I have to admit it I go there and read and write quite a bit. Soubriquet through assorted witch burning, non-PC (but CofE?) "jokes", and 'cos he pretends he's Mr Angry. Dizzy's Opinionated Arrogance is ever a good sourcebook.Bro Miles Barter has been on for a while, here seen centre practising Action Without Theory on a Doncaster picket, as has fella scribbler Cllr Susan Press who is never cross.
The Daily, Laivakoira Photos (like this one of Old Man Mersey) and Meme Processing, Texan Philosophy have all been on for a while as has Skipper Bill Jones without too many references just yet.
The Blog Father Will Parbury and the GuF Father Guido 'GuF' Fawkes are teetering on the brink for lack of reciprocation of long standing links.
Out sadly go Crazy World of Adele and Reclaim Labour, may they Rest In Peace. Adele has ALWAYS kept to Official Labour Blogging Advice (on her own blog anyway) unlike the Reclaimers but nonetheless I hope that both make a speedy recovery.
This is a fully independent blog and I do not now and never have featured links to any official party sites.
BUT NOT TO FORGET: Tom Watson MP. All the Tories link to him so why shouldn't LOL?
Chris Paul
10:55 am
Labels: Guido Fawkes, Mister GuF, Paul Staines
Peter Hain "Wankermanship": You Tube From Billy7766, Parental Advisory
Problem for the Labour Left and Anti-War Centre is that the same accusations could be levelled at quite a number of the candidates in our upcoming Leadership and Deputy Leadership contests. I sense that Billy-will-provide before too long.
John McDonnell, Hazel Blears, Alan Johnson and Harriet Harman are for once united by having (I think) maintained their line on the War in Iraq.
John said NO all along.
The others said YES and - respect is due - have not turned tail and started criticising as Michael Meacher especially, Jon Cruddas, Peter Hain and Hilary Benn (less so, this last one) have done.
McDonnell, Blears, Johnson and Harman (?) have not claimed they were so thick as to be taken in by Tony Blair's transparent tissue of tosh. Blair convinced himself I'm sure. But no-one else.
Hopefully Billy will also tell it like it is on Dave/id Bullingdon Bully Bullshitter and Ming the Merciless and the Lib Dem War Lords (Ashdown and Garden to name but two).
PARENTAL ADVISORY, Explicit Content: Whoever Billy is, he is Trotty Mouthed and Potty Mouthed. However IMO this - a personal diatribe on You Tube - is a reasonable and proper context for expletives. You don't have to go there and please don't if you are a shrinking violet or easily offended. Billy is very very good.
Hat tip to Dizzy Thinks.
Chris Paul
9:37 am
Labels: LibDem, Libdemologists
Tuesday, March 27, 2007
Iain Dale: "I Had That Ken Clarke in the Back of My Cab Once..."
Sensible summary of Mr Clarke's rather work-a-day points, with a better class of comment than over at Guido's dungeon. My "Advance Plagiarism" kite HERE.
Chris Paul
3:34 pm
Labels: Iain Dale
More Anon and On, Anon and On
Loose ends postings coming soon for some of the "more anon" cases that have ripened. That shoes and socks story could be first.
Chris Paul
11:50 am
Dizzy and Jazzy: Pre-emptive Plagiarism and The Morning Post
"Who is that pompous public school puppy prattling in the background?"
Decent-but-Tory blogger Dizzy Thinks has a story about Ken Clarke's plagiarism and bluster HERE. The Indy also had it and it is certain that they had it first! Dizzy tells us so.
Which makes my point for me rather well. Read on and you may come to understand that Dizzy may be to The Independent rather as Jazzy is to the Government on this occasion.
When I was a young man I played the silver ball, from New Cross up to Rusholme I must have played them all ... but I also learned something about ideas and inventions in Genius 101.
That is that wonderful ideas and inventions can be independently arrived at in different places and at different times, or they can spread. The wheel was actually reinvented over and over with no connection. And writing. And currency. And standing on head. And all before Google Patent was even a twinkle in Mr and Mrs Google's eye.
If these "ground breaking" (I've now read them and they're not that exciting) Tory plans have any merit they will have almost certainly already been thought of. In fact I would place a bet on Clarke fancying (or knowing) that his oppos ARE planning something similar and so he's put it in HIS homework to make himself look smart. But that's called Tory plagiarism and Tory cheating.The Lib Dems are forever at it. And locally everyone does it. What better time to call for a road to be resurfaced than a week or two before the announcement?
Dizzy will no doubt have done Irish Genius 201 and will remember the Morning Post Line HERE and HERE and HERE - this latter curiously without the reference to the disastrous speculations of 1925 which preempted the proper Boundary Commission with disastrous gaffes.
The effect that its leakage had on the future of the six counties? I'd hate to think a good plan could be cancelled through Clarke's jazzmanship, or a bad alternative plan - as Morning Post line - crystallised to haunt three or four generations of Irish folk of all faiths and none. Morning Post was bought and soon merged into the Torygraph in 1936. The rest thankfully may now be history.
Chris Paul
10:26 am
Labels: LibDem, Libdemologists
Monday, March 26, 2007
Some Tory Blogger Bloke: Would Rather Be Beaten By Brown in Scotland Than By Miliband in England
Blogging Blue says he'd rather fight Brown than Miliband. My response:
Well, doh, obviously Iain! If you were fighting Brown you'd be in Scotland and would have no chance whatsoever. At least in the NE you'd be in England. Silly billy! But of course the peeps in No 11 and DEFRA are not hanging on your every word ...
Meanwhile Blue Blogger has closed the comments on a story about Blair resigning if cautioned. This was on yesterday's Sunday Telegraph's front page and ID apologises for tardiness thinking it is a matter of a few hours.
Either I am hallucinating or deja vuing or this story was out around eight weeks ago. Dale-Lite Andrew Alison certainly ran with it - if cautioned must resign - on 1 February 2007.
We might do a bit of de jure/de facto separation here. Blair was cautioned in all but name.
Chris Paul
11:58 pm
Labels: Iain Dale
Guido Fawkes: Exaggerating Seventeen Fold! Liar Liar Once Again Your Pants Are On Fire
Is the Miliblog currying favour for Labour? Or is Guido a casuist stirrer?
Guido Fawkes has lost his marbles completely. Between obtuse attacks on Gordon Brown GF claims David Miliband's DEFRA blog assistant is paid £62,400 per annum. In fact they are paid £3,600 per annum or £75 a week for a few hours maintenance and adjustment.
GF had previously speculated about this service costing many times more than that. But we all know that a blog is not an expensive thing to run and the cost appears to be proportionate to the benefit to the country of having a digital front in DEFRA's publicity effort which has not necessarily been the strongest down the years.
GF has of course quibbled with a couple of throwaway remarks on DM's blog. One of these merely seemed to factually associate a particular piece of legislation in 1948 with the government of the day which happened to be a very good Labour one. These are simply facts. GF's foul mouthed friends are in full flow in the comments so I don't expect you to go there. What I said was this:
What rude and crude company you keep Mr Fawkes. This story of yours is dopey bollocks and has been from the start. £3600 is not £62000 and £3600 is also not an unreasonable amount for the job or for DEFRA to build a public face for digital famers and yeomen.Your casuistry and curmudgeonly nit-picking really is getting more tedious than Tony.
If the Bullingdon Bullshitter ever gets elected - proof if needed that media folk are simply bored. Rather than affronted as by relentless selfishness of Tories. If this disaster ever comes to pass, in 15 years or so, non-Tory bloggers will enjoy some great years following your precedents for electric storms in mad hat teacups.
Or otherwise deal with issues that matter to people. £3600 for a blog for a year with a couple of schoolboy errors from a 41-year-old kid with a great future. Not that I'll be supporting him for the top job until he remembers his DNA.
Chris Paul
11:30 pm
Labels: Guido Fawkes, Mister GuF, Paul Staines
The North: Papa Doc From Ballymena He Say "Yuss"
"Rearranging the deckchairs on The Titanic" is a metaphor for futility. But rearranging the tables and chairs at Stormont was the last necessary step in securing historic agreement in the North of Ireland, The Mirror and the BBC have coverage.
A straight line would have suggested too much agreement. A face to face would have required eye contact and looked like conflict. Turning the corner seems about right.
"The Troubles" have been part of my life since I was three years old and spent my birthday and a few months either side of it in Derry, not so far from the Bog Side. Until 1969 we were regular visitors to the North and I would join my cousins running errands for soldiers by day but not their stoning by night. Shaving foam at noon. Close shave at midnight. But we then stopped the visits.Several family members caught plastic and rubber bullets and broken bones. Some were not too far from the para shooters on Bloody Sunday (mural, left). But it has been generations since they had any empathy with the IRA.
My mother's cousin Hugh was shot dead in mysterious circumstances by soldiers in the same month that Bobby Sands (right) was on hunger strike.
Uncle Colm has written a civil rights/rite of passage novel set against the troubles which I'm trying to read at the moment, parts in dialect.
My youngest brother who was the first to start going back was twice arrested and once all but deported for offences in Derry with replica guns. For the last fifteen years or so he has been a missionary. So you never know. Out of the frying pan into the fire I call it.One day in 1998 we were on our way from Cork (where my dad's side have connections) all the way up the West Coast to Donegal and onwards to North Antrim where my parents and middle brother now live. The radio was on in the car and repercussions of the horror of Omagh Town were the news of the day. We heard or saw it unfold live. And we stopped early in Galway Town.
Today's news is great news. I'll resist the temptation to run Papa Doc's back story for at least a day or two.
Chris Paul
6:34 pm
Bethnal Green and Bow: Starters' Orders, They're Off
Rupa Huq has visited to comment on this story, and correct my spelling (see response!), with news that she has collected her first nomination in Bethnal Green and Bow where the Labour Party branches will be nominating THREE (including one woman and one BME candidate) and the affiliates are doing who knows what, but very likely one nomination per branch, mostly decided by General Secretaries and Political Committees.
Rupa also generously links to a Bethnal Green UNISON activist name of John Gray who gives a blow by blow account of what he certainly sees as sectarian behaviour from Tower Hamlets Respect.
This is in respect of a supposed template resolution on Islamophobia which John sees as a splitters charter to immaturely rant about New Labour, destroy solidarity within the Labour movement, and as silver spoon Trots letting down the real working people of Tower Hamlets.
Rupa is being generous in that John is supporting another member of the UNISON panel Ayub Korom Ali. Though she tends to agree with his post. That includes the following summary:I accept that the proposer and many of the supporters at the meeting did genuinely believe that this template motion, was in their view, a positive attempt to "Say No to Islamophobia". But, and it’s a big But, the people who originally wrote it intended it to be solely an attack on the Labour Party and its supporters, and to libel them as racists and war criminals.
This is the comment which I left and on which I welcome your comments:Mmmm. Clearly it should be Lebanon not Libya. When Reagan nuked Tripoli we ran a gig called Rock Against Reagan with RR's head on Rambo's body with the huge machine gun ... anyway.
I do mostly agree with this. But:
(a) government rhetoric and action on immigration and asylum is often unhelpful and the policy of deliberate destitution and threatening to snatch kids are hugely unhelpful and are in effect a call to soft racists to keep backing the LP;
(b) while you are quite right that it is the individual terrorists and those who manipulate them who murder people it is absolutely ridiculous not to own up to or accept as a fact that Britain's foreign policy is part of the landscape and contributes in increasing drip drip drips to unbalancing these people and turning them to homicide and suicide.
Also, it might be said that John is probably trying to roll over rather than win over people who simply don't have the benefit of joined up thinking, a tradition of a broad church, and the discipline of electoral party politics.
These may be the things that could be debated if Thursday's meeting goes ahead in any form.
FACTOIDS: Steve Bell's IF... picks up the Rambo theme with "Cambo" today. Bethnal Green and Bow CLP and their co-conspiritors ruled out almost half of those on the membership list. Those who had allegedly been recruited by contenders as their "gangs" purely to pack the meetings.
[The remaining selectorate is almost exactly the same size as that in Man Wit and so far four units have nominated and six candidates are up and running.]
Sounds like Lib Dem tactics that. They allow people to walk up, join on the spot and take part! Even babes in arms until very recently. Or Family and Kinship in Bethnal Green alive-alive-o and red in tooth and claw.
Chris Paul
4:25 pm
Labels: LibDem, Libdemologists
Blogger: Lost My Draft Bethnal Story, The Swine
See above. It was brilliant. Wait patiently while recreated in more usual shoddy style.
Chris Paul
2:14 pm
EXCLUSIVE Manchester Withington Selection: 'Trotfest' on the Ropes
There have been some shock and awe developments in the matter of the independently organised hustings meeting. Action Without Theory claimed that Lucy has told the organisers that she thinks: "the selection is an 'internal matter' for party members". Which is something along the lines Lorenzo23 had also expressed in comments here.
There has also been news there of the withdrawal through diary clash of Dr Yogesh Vimani who told your blogger at the Withington works outing and teach in that "everyone knows where I stand on this". When I told her that I had encountered very strong support for the War from Hindu, Jain, and Sikh (also Jewish, Atheist and Christian) people on the doorstep and elsewhere she was really and genuinely shocked.
I found Muslims too who had wanted Saddam assassinated rather than Iraq invaded but were gung-ho for Bush to turn missiles on Saudi Arabia.
This was and is a complex matter. As Cllr Eddie Newman suggested at one nomination meeting no one is "pro-war" as such. Good point. Best not to assume anything.
The latest addition to those missing the event to concentrate on meeting and greeting Labour members is Nargis Khan - with the news also broken exclusively in comments on LOL.Jenny's point remains valid: "I think the Labour Party needs to engage with the anti-war movement in the constituency." But it is also true that if the nominees and the party are almost universally against this war their time is better spent elsewhere.
But the organisers made a very serious error in having a former Respect parliamentary candidate front the meeting. Perhaps the time can be used by those who attend to debate the means by which the independent left can support the interests of the working classes in our city and beyond by actively supporting Manchester Labour?
Posting something very soon about Bethnal Green and Bow and elliptically the elliptical Respect party there.
Chris Paul
11:57 am
Sunday, March 25, 2007
Fibdemologists Roulette: Rien Ne Va Plus - Vous Etes Casse Completement - Rien Ne Va Plus
Manchester Fibdemologists are in a right tizzy over some bloke saying Manchester has had quite enough regeneration thanks to the IRA bomb. Hallelujah! And in a break from tradition they're also backing a regeneration in Manchester. They'll all be on board come Wednesday ...
Here's the Official Fibs Release:
Manchester Liberal Democrat Leader Cllr Simon Ashley has slammed Labour's Town Hall bosses for their hypocrisy and cheap political points over plans for a Super Casino in East Manchester.
.....Recently in the press, Labour have criticised Liberal Democrats on the casino, all the while knowing that 83 Labour MPs had signed House of Commons Early Day Motion 823, calling for Blackpool to be given the Super Casino.
.....Councillor Simon Ashley said:
....."I am annoyed that, while I have been spending my time talking to my party nationally in private, Labour Councillors have been trying to score cheap points. I accept that two Lib Dem MPs have publicly supported Blackpool getting the Casino, but compare that with 83 MPs from the Labour benches! Labour should put its own house in order before criticising us."
.....Cllr Ashley continued:
....."To say Manchester does not have deprivation and does not need this regeneration is just plain wrong. Everyone wants to see investment in East Manchester, and Manchester won this competition fair and square. MPs should not change the rules after the event because they didn't like the result."
.....Fibs Release Ends......While I am standing by to be impressed by lightweight Simon's powers of persuasion I am not actually holding my breath. Frankly I don't even believe Simon can guarantee Manchester Withington MP and fellow Councillor John Leech will vote for Manchester's interests.
Two reasons. One, Leech was interviewed on Radio Manchester shortly before the decision was announced and pooh poohed the whole enterprise. It seemed a case of a typical Lib Dem anti-Manchester rant. Two, Lib Dems have apparently accepted a three-line whip to try and sabotage Manchester's big win.
While in the media his own party's councillors, apart from the over-promoted John Leech who has been unequivocably AGAINST Manchester, have been dithering and dissembling like a gambler who's had their chips. But mostly they have been against it. So those points Manchester Labour are making are not cheap as chips.
Manchester Lib Dems famously spoke out against Urbis and against the Commonwealth Games. Meanwhile their MPs spoke out resolutely against the BBC Move to Manchester and/or Salford. And of course the "architect" (more like cowboy builder) of their new variable poll tax stressed that Manchester would have to find SIX TIMES the current income from the Fib Dem local tax proposals.
Round and round like a roulette wheel. The lies keep on spinning.FACTFILE: Some of the Labour MPs are from Blackpool's hinterland and it is their duty to speak out for their area - even if John Leech does not understand that practical rule - some of the Labour MPs are from the other shortlisted areas; and some of them are just being silly. I could name names but I won't.
CLINCHER: The clincher for the Blackpool campaigners ought to be that looking at the report they would find no encouragement that they weren't in fact ranked LAST. London, Glasgow, Sheffield and Newcastle certainly seem ahead.
WEDNESDAY: Lib Dem MPs to vote en masse against Manchester ignoring Simon's pathetic entreaties. If they switch it is more likely to be this blog than Mr Ashley what did it. John Leech MP to be called by the speaker and once again make an arse of himself. This time by speaking against Manchester's interests. Lord Bradley's oratory to win over the Lords to back the independent report.
That's enough of the games Lib Dems! You are completely bankrupt!
UPDATE 10:54 Monday: Someone has been on and named a name.
Chris Paul
11:50 pm
Labels: John Leech, LibDem, Libdemologists
Hazel Blears and Kitty Ussher: Working Too Hard to Win for Labour? Says Mr Cross or Mr Angry or Something Like That
I was intrigued by Tom's link so I went to see what Kerron was on abaht. And surprisingly Kerron has come over a bit trotty too. I think most of the questions raised are not actually that clever or that short of reasonable answers. Someone who really wants to be selected will put in the work of collecting and storing names and contact details for the selectorate. Hazel is not the only one who does that. Not by any means. Ian Stewart MP has been finding this out to his cost. And making himself ever so selectable elsewhere with talk of Chancery.
Kerron has also linked this case of campaigning very hard to get (s)elected to one of his hobby horses ... Ms Kitty Ussher MP. The delectable Mr Cross is cross about her methodology. Work, work, work ... If at first ... Try, try, try ... and so on.
The K Cross Clan lists a post for every word of his payoff. Which is not to say he is obsessing. It's just that he's doing what he says Hazel and Kitty should not do. Pursuing his campaign with vigour and determination.
That pay off: your - dear - friend - and - mine - Kitty - Ussher?
Fellow traveller Neil Harding commented:Kitty Ussher is exactly the sort of 'career politician' we should avoid. I think her grandfather was a politician. Being a politician seems to be like being a member of the royalty nowadays, you have to have genetic predecessors. I don't know Ussher's politics, but its a bit of a disgrace she got the Burnley seat.
Will has been will-fully and continuously down on the grrrl too. I'm not so sure. Kitty has good teeth, Kitty was already a Westminster Village insider, Kitty commuted to the NW determinedly from London, and her home was handy for the job too. Just the ticket. Though to be serious for just one moment Kitty appears to LOL to understand the BNP threat and have reasonable ideas on how to see it off.
Meanwhile I have found myself sticking up for Hazel HERE, and HERE and teasing only gently HERE and HERE. Always taken in good part.
Somewhere in LOL HQ's digital archives there is a marvellous picture of your blogger, plus an alleged ruthless Stalinist, an accountant - all seriously six footers - and Ms Blears. We'll see what we can do to find it.
Chris Paul
10:02 pm
Newer Labour: Tom's Been Poking Around Gordon's Tory-Busting Budget Record
Trotty Tom runs the rule over Gordon's First XI of budgets and finds some IFS charts c/o Freemania.
The first shows the redistribution of the latest budget for the upcoming tax year without with benefit changes which make things a lot better :As Tom says ... "Oh Dear".
The second shows the cumulative redistributive effect of IT, NI and other measures for the whole reign:LOL got serious and said ...
1. Guardian Diary had an item explaining that while the Mail had five pages squealing about the budgets' ill effects on just about everyone. They also worked out that there were I think 89 permutations of types of taxpayer. They could only find three of these that were disadvantaged when all is taken into account.
If they are the same ones I think they are such as women aged 60 to 64 and part time workers earning £7500 ish and working poor singles with no kids then I'd say they are folk Labour should definitely be helping and not burdening.
2. Lots of what el Gordo announced does not kick in within the period of 07-08.
3. There was an earlier IFS chart up to 2005 which - obviously I haven't memorized completely - was powerful stuff. The main differences were that the third and fourth decile had improved by EIGHT percent not SIX and that the pain for the top two deciles was less - about HALF this new chart if memory serves.
In fact I was not quite right on the detail. But the general direction of travel was more or less as above.
The chart is available HERE and reproduced below:Poorest - plus 11.25
2 - plus 11.5
3 - plus 8.1
4 - plus 5.25
5 - plus 2.5
6 - plus 0.5
7 - minus 0.6
8 - minus 2.0
9 - minus 2.8
Richest - minus 3.9
I'll find the link. It was in the post I left at the top of my So Now Who Do We Vote For CP's Labour Blog every day, asking everyone to look at it before voting against Labour anywhere that it mattered.
4. This was a brilliant budget in terms of wiping the smug smiles off the pathetic cameroonies.
But this detail was I think faulty.
5. I predict that there will be another announcement correcting this "fault" possibly before May (bit unlikely), certainly before any autumn election (possible if selection gets moving), and obviously before any more normally timed election.
It could very easily be before the fault moves into the system.
I'm voting Labour too and hope I have a brilliant candidate with a brilliant campaign run by a united constituency to twat the twat good style.
Chris Paul
6:09 pm