Saturday, November 24, 2007

Leech facebook Woes Continue: MSM Say "John Who?"

LOL tried to interest a MSM Mainstream Media outlet in the John Leech No Mates facebook story. That is that Cllr John Leech MP had just two facebook friends before taking his ball back and hanging up his boots. That his Labour rival Lucy Powell in contrast is very popular. Tom meanwhile says Size is not important.

There is a Leech Must Apologise group. That is for the John Leech Christie Hospital Cancer Hoax.

It has also emerged that libdemology leadership hopeful Nick Clegg had only 11 facebook friends. With one of these a "Clegg" who specifically says they don't like him or his party. Just a surname thing. Huhne meanwhile was on a super soaraway 553.

Anyway, MSM outlet's response? Not interested. John who?

Karen Reissmann: BBC, Two Hundred Manchester March

Managed to get through last night's excellent Alistair Campbell Dinner and Voter Identification in icy Northenden this morning. But severe earache kept me away from town for today's Karen Reissmann demonstration.

Miles has given his take on that dinner and these - also from Miles - were yesterday's news links on this story:

Socialist health campaigner backs Karen: see post and documents at the campaign blog

Bosses big gun fires blanks: See the blog on the campaign myspace.

Join the debate at Manchester Confidential.

And there are some comments on Miles' earlier post that he found "interesting.

Channel 4 Shameless auteur Paul Abbott - who was himself sectioned aged 15 following a suicide attempt - has added a heartfelt letter of support to the campaign blog.

The North West Tonight report stated that Karen's Appeal Hearing has been brought forward one week. This is very welcome news. The sooner the better.

UPDATE: The Campaign MySpace estimate is well over 1000 involved in all and there is a report of a speech from my MP Tony Lloyd - the Chair of the Parliamentary Labour Party no less - and actor Chris Bisson reading Paul Abbott's letter of support.

Howard's End: Australian People Sack Conservatives

Meltdown it seems for John Howard's Aussie Tories after 11 years in power.

Howard is even getting a thumping in his own seat - held for 33 years. The above picture from shows Howard with a story about kids not drinking enough fluoridated tap water. Imagine the waterworks now.

We predicted a landside three weeks ago when - on top of general doom and gloom - Health Minister Tony Abbott managed a hatrick of serious gaffes.

The Liberal Party's tactics included fabrication of a Radical Muslim Organisation in a ridiculous and clumsy attempt to smear Kevin Rudd's Labour Party.

Candidate Karen Chijoff - whose own husband was among the distributors "without her knowledge" - claims the leaflet didn't destroy her campaign. She was toast anyway.

Looking forward to the explanations from Iain Dale's Aussie stringer Alex Deane. But once again it has all gone quiet over there.

Friday, November 23, 2007

Airline Pilots: Please Note, Jahongir Sidikov Stays

Jahongir Sidikov is likely to be tortured and killed if returned to Creosotemanov's Uzbekistan. So, please let us follow Craig Murray's advice and resist his deportation. On grounds of saving the man Jahongir's life.

Oz Tories: Race Card Leaflet by Iain Dale's Mates

Ab-so-fer-kin-lute-ly amazing. HT: Luke Akehurst.

Deep down and down under Aussie Tories aka "Liberals" have stuck out an extraordinarily racist scam smear leaflet from a completely made up Muslim organisation.

Click image to enlarge or download here.

Tory bloggers would thank their lucky stars if only they'd kept a distance from these freaks.

Thursday, November 22, 2007


Mark Oaten is playing fast and loose, again. Not EXCLUSIVEly.

Tory Councillor: Right Wing Nut Job Shock Horror

Tory councillor Richard Willis (right) appears to be a complete and utter reactionary tosser and nutjob. He has recently returned as a Tory councillor in Reading.
But no chance to repeat his atrocious views as PPC in Sutton and Cheam. Strangely they've picked someone else. But why were Lib Dem Voice surprised at Richard's outbursts? Dave says conservatives are cuddly. Doesn't mean they are.

Biffa Digital: St Lawrence Has Made a Horror Film (PG)

[satire]Clearly, if the ESSO site is too small for a Chorlton Tesco Metro the answer is to sell them the Council Social Services Office - the yellow brick road building - and build a roundabout.[/satire]

Managing Equals: Steve McClaren and Terry Venables

He had to go but it is sad that the Guardian continue where the Observer left off using a league of losses which sees our man propping up the foot of the table, instead of either points per game or wins where he is merely middling.

Terry Venables is also sacked. But, whereas his own teams lost but once making him a table topper, by winning and drawing the rest equally he was worse than McClaren on wins and no better on points per game.

Union Made: Fair Trade for Home Produced Goods Too?

John has bought a suit with a Union Made label affixed and I'm feeling jealous. Above image is by way of a pointer to the most excellent Labor Arts website.

Got some ethical threads here and there of course and try to buy retread clothes and shoes from Oxfam and all our other charity shops. Reuse trumps Recycling of course in the three Rs waste hierachy. Reduce may be mostly for warmer climes but even here I am a legendary tee shirts in blizzards kind of guy.

Fair Trade is catching on. No Sweat! is making progress. Pants to Poverty is the business. But if more of us prioritised TU-recognising retailers and makers the world would become a better place for working people.

CONTROVERSY: There might be less campaigning against Tesco and the like by strange alliances of greens, socialists and petit bourgeoisie shop keepers. They have plenty of room for improvement of course. But size brings the visibility to leverage that improvement and unlike many small shops Tesco have advantages for "the class".

Unions, decent contracts and no friends and family forced to work for peanuts are among those. Superior staff welfare and health and safety another. Affordability and marked provenance yet another.

My parents and one brother, and one set of a host of uncles and aunts live in Ballycastle (above, a view from the Diamond) where a Tesco was recently seen off. For rather spurious reasons, if you ask me.

There is an absolutely average Co-op which is fine for second shops and top ups. There are some other convenience shops and excellent specialists. Not least two award winning butchers, a bakers and a candlestick makers. But essentially most of the people in Ballycastle and surrounding farms and villages AND seasonal visitors ... DRIVE TO BALLYMENA OR COLERAINE (40 miles round trip) or further for their main weekly shop. Foodmiles madness.

Wednesday, November 21, 2007

Karen Reissmann Sacking: Management Play Hard Ball

Industrial relations for dummies has a new chapter provided by Trust CEO Sheila Foley.

Miles reports that MMHT management have refused to reinstate senior nurse Karen Reissmann pending her appeal. Unison had offered to call off their strike action in exchange.

The appeal begins on 10 December and there will be a national day of action on 5 December. My view is that the staff should consider going back to work in the interim, showing maturity, carrying public opinion, and reducing hardship among members. But that is of course for them to decide.

In addition to the campaign blog there is a myspace page and two major facebook groups with 900 members between them.

Sir George Osborne MP: Does He Lie To Own Children?

The First Post shares a delightful vignette from a fast foodery name of Tootsies. George (gideon) Oliver Osborne, the wallpapering heir and future 15th baronet has feral children. What a disappointment that must be to poor Mr GgOO.

George probably lies to them ceaselessly and without rest. In the same way he lies pestilently to the people of our great country. These children deserve our support. Poor little rich kids.

GgOO told the people of Manchester that they were each £50 a week worse off this year and a further £50 a week next year and so on for five years under Darling's plans as opposed to his:

[Headline]Families 'hit by tax bill of £50 a week'[/headline]

POORER families and struggling small businesses in Greater Manchester have been 'clobbered' by government tax rises, says shadow chancellor George Osborne.
He claims the tax bill for an average Manchester family will rise by £50 a week after Alistair Darling's recent tax rises.
Mr Osborne said the chancellor was 'out of his depth'.
The Tatton MP, shadow minister for Manchester, told the M.E.N. that the city would be particularly hard hit by Labour's 'wrongheaded' tax plans.
Mr Osborne said: "Hard working people across Manchester who save through their companies' share ownership could lose out as a result of Labour's latest tax rises.
"As usual, there wasn't a word of warning about this in the chancellor's pre-budget report but the average tax bill for a Manchester family will rise by £2,600 a year for the next five years."
He said Conservatives were committed to increasing the inheritance tax threshold sounding the death knell to death taxes, and lifting nine out of 10 first time buyers out of the stamp duty net."

What a big whopping fib that was.

The Manchester Evening News? Sadly they printed the Bullingdon Toff's lies without comment. Though they either didn't web them or took them down PDQ when they realised they'd been sold a pup.

GgOO's Channel 4 mendacity rating veers between a teeny 60% lying to a fulsome 90% lying and no mistake

"But Pater dear Pater! You lied to us! Your own dear children! We are minded to fling Bollinger Bottles at fox cubs until they are deaded. Like Pater's friends, allegedly. Do let us! Or we shall scweem and scweem and scweem!"

Hat tip: Old Mr GuF.

Blogger Silencer Schillings: Free Speech & Law in Pakistan

Bit slow out of the blocks on this one but Matt Wardman finds Schillings - the blogger monsterers - signing a letter about free speech in Pakistan as if butter wouldn't melt in their lick spittle mouths.

Schillings are of course also the lawyer-of-choice for the self-appointed "Princess of the Bloggers" as she possibly defames and certainly smears the young blogger Alex Hilton (Recess Monkey inter alia) but perversely considers suing him.

Nadine Dorries, for it is she, made a whole series of false accusations and smears (Reassess Recess). Possibly actionable, who knows?

Ms Dorries also potentially libelled parliamentary colleagues and Dr Ben Goodacre over her appalling Minority Report.

FOOTNOTE: A few twirls have been added on advice from m'learned friend Evan. The off colour comments from Ms Dorries were not uttered in Parliament and have no immunity. Unless that is the Nad Blog counts as an annex of the House?

Tom Watson MP: Please Do Stop Teasing John Leech MP

Tom Watson MP has taken a week but finally got with the programme on Cllr John Leech MP and his very scarce facebook friends who could fit as you may recall on a tandem, or in a modest canoe.

Tom suggests that if John Leech had just a few good friends that might be some consolation for not quite having the numbers. Sorry to report that that tandem's crashed, the canoe's sunk, and Leechy's now got no friends at all. If Lucy Powell (above) continues to gain ten friends a week she'll surpass Honest (but lonely) John's fragile majority within a year.

But he does have a growing antipathy group calling for his immediate apology on his Christie Hospital Cancer Hoax lies. 122 members and counting.

Email possibly: Not sure. Apologise at once ... geddit?

Prime Minister's Questions: Official, Cameron Off Form

We missed the whole of PMQs so we shan't be too hard on Sadie who missed a no doubt most excellent piece of regency Tory banter casting Darling instead of the traditional Balls as Baldrick to Brown's Blackadder.

But all the rest of the Westmonster essay is present, absolutely impartial, and 10/10 tick vg correct. Cameron was totally off form.

That's now official Mr Dale.

Tory Tossers: Attack Mercer's Wife, and Dead Councillor?

Meanwhile, everywhere you look there are tales of nice Tories. The first being fair comment, the second probably not so with The Mirror and Lib Dem Voice combining in devious misrepresentation.

Patrick Mercer's wife or "lazy white bastard female" as he calls her when she's a bit slow round the assault course is taking abuse of an altogether less sporting kind from Notts' conservatives, over Patrick's spot of moonlighting for the damnable socialists.

And, in the same piece, Cllr George Hollingberry (Con, Winchester) - who is incidentally a blogger and the PPC for Meon Valley has allegedly been calling the death of a colleague from another party "very useful".

Or has he? To be fair Georgie did offer a generous tribute and condolences before seemingly rubbing his hands together gleefully. And, assuming he's not been back and re-edited, he has I think been MISCHIEVIOUSLY MISQUOTED:

The recently elected councillor, Sue Fitzgerald, died most tragically at a very young age and thus the ward is being unexpectedly contested. Beyond the obvious personal tragedy for her family and friends, it was a particular shame because it was clear that she was a highly involved local community champion. All towns and villages need people like that and they are few and far between these days.

From a purely political (and selfish I suppose given the circumstances) point of view, it has been very useful to us to mount a proper local campaign in the town. Wickham is one of the last redoubts of the Liberal Democrats in the Meon Valley and not an area we have done well in for some time.

It is the mounting of a local campaign which George is saying is "very useful to us", not his fellow Councillor's death itself. Lib Dem Voice saw The Mirror piece first. We found the blog. George certainly didn't say it was like an early Christmas present, or words to that effect.

Data-Gate: Always Look On The Bright Side Of Life

Clearly Tory Bloggers are having a lovely time with Data-gate. And who can blame them? A small mistake by a small cog perhaps. But what a systems failure. And my oh my what potential consequences.

Will the Tory Bloggers join me in my sincere wish that data armageddon does not come to pass? No, thought not. Perhaps the data-protection-warriors from No2ID can be serious for just a minute? No. Grinning like the cat that got the cream.

[aside]Rather reminds me of the "anti-war" opposition candidate and his joyful great war dance on the local vigil the day after Bush started Shock and Awe. We never saw the bugger again. But his guilty feet had no rhythm. I distinctly recall that. And he did sashay his wicked way onto the Council.[/aside]

Instead of hoping for a good outcome we have one of the Tory Boy Bloggers hoping that the numpty involved is NOT a small cog. That they might be a medium sized or even a fairly large cog.

Mmmm. It is possible of course. But sticking something in the post does pass a long way down the food chain in most organisations.

Let us sincerely hope that this HMRC numpty acccidentally mis-filed the CDs away somewhere where they will never come to light. Let us sincerely hope we have a raving Trot or Ukipper with a grievance and a streak of practical hoaxery at large? Let us sincerely hope it's a bumbling amnesiac incompetent fibber who never copied the data, never stuck it in an envelope, never posted it in the internal mail. Just told a little white lie when sending it the "second time".

For the moment I can find but one small consolation.

ICT expert and friend of Bloggerheads Grant Schweppes wasn't involved in any way! The whole lot would have been on T'Interweb. And 1234 would very likely have been the password.

STOP PRESS: Wrong again. Late news is reaching us that Grant was visiting HMRC in Newcastle on the day of the data loss and was heard to make the following kind offer:

"Can I put that jiffy bag in the post for you? Nothing important I hope? Half the nation's banking records? Mmmm, oh yes I'll be very careful with that!"

Chorlton-cum-Hardy: Yes to More Independent Cafe Bars

A few weeks ago I started drafting a post about the issue of bars in Chorlton. With one thing and another it didn't make it to fruition. But Stephen Newton is right on the money with this post resisting the concept of a bar on bars.

While no-one in Chorlton would want to see a complete free-for-all or anything like the beer monstery calamity that Didsbury has become under Lib Dem rule there is still scope for more small bars, cafes and restaurants in Chorlton.

We probably have enough takeaways for a lifetime. But cafe bars not only drive business for those takeaways but also via the promenaders' window shop and their own trade for food retailers, clothes retailers, estate agents and the rest.

Moving to the area more than 25 years ago I found a virtual beer and food desert. I lived for a year in an attic room in a shared house one street away from the current family home. There was the Royal Oak at the crossroads. Quite a trek. The Lloyds 200 yards further. And a pub known then as The Seymour, later The Grove, now departed. Or a big expedition to a cluster of pubs on Beech Road and the Green. All still going strong.

Now to get to the Royal Oak - a large beer palace with Sky Football and an old school pub crowd - I get to pass the Polar Bar, The Bar, Tom Tom'sThe Bean Counter (but renamed), Abode, Revision and Dulcimer. Across the lights on the way to the Lloyds there are more. We have an excellent Weatherspoons name of Sedge Lynn. And there's Lucid, The Beer House, Iguana and so on.

The Spread Eagle is another arrival in the last decade or so. That's a traditional pub - opposite the Lloyds. There is a Varsity coming soon - and that, barring the four traditional pubs, is the only obvious non-independent and the only potential "vertical drinking" addition.

In the olden days the only local late food was from a very very brown Tundoor. This had an uncomplementary nickname. Now we have Australian, Japanese, Turkish, Italian, Indian, Bengali, Greek, Spanish, Persian, Mandarin, English, Canadian, Continental, Cantonese food and more. There is plenty of niche room still.

Including Chorlton, Longford, Chorlton Park and our end of Whalley Range and Fallowfield wards we have 30-35,000 hungry and thirsty residents within convenient walking distance or three stops on the night bus.

And that's a key thing. Very few cars are implicated in a night out in Chorlton.

Twenty two new licences in ten years does indeed sound a lot. Though they are spread around approximately two to three miles of highways. Most of them are little more than a couple or three domestic rooms-worth with an average say 100 covers apiece.

Councillor Sheila Newman is absolutely right to try to box off the perfidious Lib Dem moaners and Stephen realises that that is what's afoot. But a complete moratorium, and there is no other sort, is surely not the answer?

Every night at kicking out time I am out and about in Chorlton on a constitutional with my dogs. Very often covering the busiest block of bars en route. There's generally no sign of trouble, no obvious neighbour nuisance, no noise spill and no pub crawl, stag or hen rowdies.

No great drunkeness, and clean-ish pavements.

Although there remain some dark back roads the animation of the main streets, providing a natural surveillance, and the new improved lighting makes these streets feel much much safer than in the olden days.

Every application should be judged on its merits I feel. That is the law in any case, except in far more extreme cases of concentration or cases of crime, disorder or extreme nuisance.

In particular it would be astoundingly unfair to try to spike applications that are in progress and whose owners have received green lights in principle from planning officials. Local planning guidelines could keep most licenced premises at the smaller end of the scale and more likely to remain independent. But let's face down the Lib Dems for being illiberal opportunists.

Don't agree with the Tesco bashing either. But that's for another day.

Our Kingdom: Anthony Barnett and David Aaronovitch

This is fascinating. Anthony Barnett and David Aaronovitch discussing The Blair Years HERE. Almost in the form of one of those famous Guardian head to head exchanges of letters. What were they called? No matter ...

We Manchester graduates are of course all immensely proud of DA who was our student union president for a time. In the heyday of NUS politics.

But my earliest abiding memory of DA is when he was career NUS hack and current President - a Tankie even then, seen above in an NUS piccie with Sue Slipman and Trevor Phillips. He came as a guest speaker to the British Universities Sports Federation (BUSF) conference. At Lancaster I think it was.

Some of us were trying to cause the wastefully duplicitous BUSF and the Universities Athletic Union (UAU) to amalgamate. Unbelievably this took another thirteen years to achieve. Probably something to do with having self-interested staff and farts in blazers running the thing.

But I digress. David explained that he was a rugby flanker of extremely limited talent. Sadly from the William Ellis rather than William Webb Ellis school of the game. A spoiling flanker he said.

Being a "big fat clumsy twat", he said OWTTE, unable to play the game properly himself ... he was instructed to lurch around and spoil play for everyone else.

No further comment necessary.

Tuesday, November 20, 2007

Action Without Theory: Industrial Relations For Dummies

Bro Miles Barter has got busy these last few days. And as he's apologised for his pissiness, accepted, I'll give him a mensch. Two in fact. Special mentions for Mental Health Talking Cures and greeting the "tanned but strained" (below, tagged sheila-compressed!) Boss From Hell back from holidays in the sun.
Several collective letters-to-papers on this Karen Reissmann dispute have crossed my desk. Whether my name ends up on one or not I hope the letters focus on turning things round for the service users above all else. For my money this dispute possibly features the most ridiculousness ... on all sides ... ever. It is the epitome of ridiculousness. Clearly LOL support any Trade Unionist sacked or disciplined for TU activity. My comrades, right or wrong. KR Dispute Blog. DUBAI DUTY FREE ADDED: Weds 9:26

Tony Who?: I've No iD! Cllr Bob Piper's Cunning Plan

Cllr Bob Piper offers Gordon Brown PM a rather cunning plan.

Calamity Clegg: Reassuring, Well-Grounded Missives

President Ahmadinejad will be sleeping more soundly in his bed tonight thanks to a stern Calamity Clegg missive to Gordon Brown warning him not to attack Iran after all. The Old Westminster also fired a shot across Dave-id Cameron's bow lest he bless Bucks with a new Grammar School. Selection by wallet and wallet alone! Snapshots

Lobster Blogster: Know Dale By Company He Keeps?

Lobster Blogster is all heart. Worrying about a fantasy future Iain Dale MP being tainted by the fishy company he's kept. Specifically Mr GuF.

Pants to Poverty: Fair Trade Fashion, Chorlton, Links

The Pants to Poverty Fair Trade Fashion Show on Saturday was excellent. Click Gallery for some of the blicks.


Arkadash [ ] Clothes & Accessories
People Tree [ ] Clothes
Pants To Poverty [ ] Pants To Poverty Pants
Just Trade [ ]
Bishopston Trading [ ] Clothes
Blossom [ ]
Traidcraft [ ]
Oxfam [ ]
Queen Bee [ ] Fair Trade Bags
Anushka Hair Styling [ ]
Barbakan Delicatessen [ ]
Unicorn Grocery [ ]
The Co-operative Group [ ]

Overseas Aid Budget: £9 Billion By 2010, But Lagging?

According to Alistair Darling's Budget Statement here, Overseas Aid will rise to £9 Billion by 2010. This is around 500% of the 1997 figure. We are of course chasing a fast moving target of 0.7% of Gross National Income. Lib Dem "International Affairs" mimicster Lynne Featherstone claims that the UK are lagging £1 Billion behind the point we are supposed to be at.

First, is Lynne right on the facts and figures? And has she missed some announcements between 2004 and 2007, trimming the sails of state.

Second, if she is right could she not at least acknowledge the huge absolute increase since 1997? And set UK achievement on this in an international context. Hat tip: Lib Dem Voice.

Libdemology Leadership: Buff Huhne or Calamity Clegg?

Old news, but ... Is it really the case that Chris Huhne had no prior knowledge of a briefing paper issued by his office under the heading "Calamity Clegg"?

If so, what does that say about his systems? If not, why is he lying to the nice man from the BBC?

Both of them will play with the British public like so much unidentifiable and unconscionable "Horrid Nasty". Lib Dems - well on the way to another leadership cock up.

Monday, November 19, 2007

Facebook Woes: First John Leech, Now Nadine Dorries

Cllr John Leech MP is still it seems Johnny No Mates facebook-wise. But Nadine has more of a problem it seems.

Nadine Dorries MP has a drivel-blog. Patronising Tory men egg on her foolish head emptying. No other MP from any party has anything that is remotely as vacuous as the witterings of the self appointed "Princess of the Blogs"..

This drivel-blog was originally developed with taxpayers' money I believe. Ms Dorries has been merrily posting pictures of her three daughters on her blog. Rather a lot in the past week or so in fact. No idea whether their father is happy with this. Or indeed with anything that Nadine gets up to. But let's not get deflected on to that subject.

Now Nads is it seems on the warpath about a Recess Monkey story which finds the eldest of those daughters with a public facebook page which is full of the word "nigga" and "nigger".

I'm really not sure it matters too much what that refers to or who said it about whom. Sorry Nadine. Many people find it offensive. Full stop.

Nadine uses her post to:

- Suggest Recess Monkey's author Alex Hilton is trying to damage someone's reputation, by pointing at a public document that that person has caused to be published themselves
- Announce that she has asked for an opinion on whether Alex's post is actionable, from Simon Smith at Schillings, the same fool lawyers that enhanced Alisher Creosotemanov's reputation so much with their advice and legal action
- Accuse Alex of writing this blog in time for which he is paid by the taxpayer, as an MP's staffer
- Accuse Alex of using parliamentary equipment for this activity (careful Nadine)
- Smear all those who work for Labour MPs
- Suggest without a scrap of argument that Alex has snooped on her youngest daughter (15) and is therefore a paedophile
And of course the classic idiocy:

Nadine Dorries' "award winning" drivel blog - which has often featured her children in words and pictures, and which can surely contribute nothing positive to her parliamentary duties - was I'm told established using tax payers money.

She has recently used that blog to defame a journalist and parliamentary colleagues over an alleged leak of a document that was in the public domain.

She has used it to call for a slashing of the University Sector, just as she takes a chair round the table at a Universities select committee.

She has in my opinion used it to boost and spread lies about and hatred of travellers and gypsies.

And she persistently uses the thing to post complete and utter drivel.

Your children's privacy has been compromised by YOU Nadine. And by THEM.

Ask Alex nicely to help you out and who knows he may well do so. Or are you just all out for publicity, whatever the cost?

Political Funding; Current Rules Favour Conservatives

Off-shore Dollar Billionaire Lord Ashcroft's claim that he is merely levelling the playing field with his slush funds has been rocked by an independent study. Carried out by Charles Pattie and Ron Johnston, geography professors at the universities of Sheffield and Bristol respectively, who found that donations outside the official election campaign period did "make a difference".

They also found that Tory incumbents were brokering substantial advantage from parliamentary allowances in the run up to elections, while Labour MPs were not.

Word Document: HERE. Hat tip: Peter Kenyon who continues attempts to Save the Labour Party.

Libdemologists 999 Hoaxers: Fire, Police & Ambulance

Manchester Lib Dems have a track record of time wasting hoax calls on the emergency services. Police put the knife in to a hoax leaflet and even though Chief Constable Michael Todd's own flat was burgled within weeks of his start he and his officers have repeatedly carpeted Lib Dems for bearing false witness.

Famously Cllr John Leech pounced on a false story put about by maverick doctors as a negotiation ploy and despite a firm put down for their antics Leech pretended that Christie Hospital was threatened with closure. Diabolical hoaxer Leech even put out hoax leaflets to cancer patients queuing for Chemo- and Radio- therapy.

Now Cllr Louise Baldock has caught Liverpool Lib Dems completing the set of emergency services scares with lies about Fire Stations. Even though their "leader" Warren Bradley was himself a fire fighter.

The only fires Warren has to put out these days are around Lib Dem's continuing mishandling of Liverpool Council's affairs. With his own personal shenanigans and vendettas over the Culture Company often centre stage.

Observer on Steve Mclaren: Lies, Damn Lies, Statistics

The Observer sports subs no doubt readied their pages before the youngsters of Israel not only escaped a late defeat but only turned round and whacked Mother Russia. The McClaren spread, presumably prepared as a good riddance send off, was led by this piece from Paul Wilson.

As he concludes:

Almost unbelievably, England are still in the land of the living.

So that's a big Hallelujah then? Hosana in the highest!

But running right across the bottom of the page are a series of tables, facts and figures. The one that leaps out as having serious Libdemologist statistics mangling tendancies is above, and headed "How McClaren Compares".

Talk about starting with a ruling theory and providing the facts to fit. There are a number of ways one might rank such a table. On notional points per fixture perhaps? On ratio of wins per game? Or, as the Observer sports subs choose, on the ratio of losses per game.

What's my point? Surely any which way will do? Six of one and half a dozen of the other? Well it's actually not that simple. Choosing to rank on losses rather than either of the other measures is actually perverse and antagonistic.

McClaren, like Don Revie, has 24% losses and the pair are a couple of percentage points clear of the field. Terry Venables on the other hand has a marvellous 4% and is far and away "best".

But rank eleven managers on wins and while not turned on its head McClaren (53%) is sixth. Firmly mid-table. Three places ABOVE Venables.

Similarly on points per game, three for a win one for a draw, McClaren is mid-table with Venables and Winterbottom. A cluster of four better 2.0. But ahead of Keegan, Robson, Taylor and Revie.

In competitive games his loss ratio drops to 18% and his win ratio is up to 64%, with a points haul of 2.09 - better than any of the scores in the all games exercise. Though of course most of the records do improve on this basis.

I'm not saying the boy McClaren's the best. Or even that he's done good. But The Observer are being perverse, snide and unfair in contorting their statistics as if they are Libdemologists.

Saturday's Left Conferences: A Tale of Four Sittings

Liam MacUaid has added a report of the Official Respect conference to his blog. This was - to report factually, albeit risking abuse - the Socialist Workers' Party led portion of the former Coalition. Written by a non-believer who attended as a selected delegate.

Comments on this report are strongly divided. He did not get called to speak. Now his report is being rubbished. Comments include a sort of transcript of a Mark Serwotka (Gen Sec, PCS) Speech which apparently denounced George Galloway as a splitter and a servant of Gordon Brown's purpose.

Mark spoke at three of the four socialist meetings in London on Saturday refusing Renewal Respect (Galloway). Official Respect, Socialist Party (no report yet) and Labour Representation Committee (resolutions and amendments available), which incidentally had three Labour MPs including Compassite Jon Trickett, Tony Benn, Jane Davidson AM. And Bundestag member Alexander Ulrich to boot. Susan Press has a LRC Report.

Damned Close Run Thing: Iain Dale Has Been Elected!

Iain Dale has finally been elected to something albeit narrowly. Hat tip: Mr GuF.

Sunday, November 18, 2007

George Galloway and Respect: All Swimmingly Good

Pendennis closes with George Galloway obeying the long arm of the law, though somehow overlooking the news that barring one page his awarding winning website averages 12 months out of date and also his supporters' contention that the conservatives have it in for him.

George's right bollocks Respect conference was brilliant, says Liam while Lindsey and John's left bollocks SWP Respect conference had 350 at it, 70 turned away.

We Are Not Amused: Royal Plumbers Get Bums' Rush

Oliver Marre's Pendennis column opens today with the news that HRH Brenda "Queen of the Greens" Windsor has quietly dropped plans to install a 200kW array of horizontal water turbines at Romney Weir. She had slyly slipped BBC Berkshire the story tip a couple of months ago.

As it goes, in a different life, your blogger took a long hard look at such turbines. Greater Manchester has scores of Weirs and a good Head of Water. King Cotton was built on it. Even a three metre fall on a small weir could power 14 homes and quickly recover the modest capital investment.

The Queen's Romney Weir scheme did look to be rather grander in design and, on the face of it, Oliver suggests the cost was the deal breaker.

The plumbers and sparkies probably saw what a big house the old girl had, put in a rather grand design, and stuck an extra nought on the end of the estimate.

And what's more:

"Now we have all these low NRG bulbs and dimmers, which Philip says are 'not much cop', and our children have grown up and flewn our hice, we just ain't getting through as much juice as we used to."

ELIZABETH II R ADDS: Advice on Commissioning Our Own is freely available. Innogy PLC's plans are spelt out HERE. And we have had 354 posts on the subject at Our Royal Forum, here.