Iain Dale is off on one. Shaking his fist again at the world. Not only does he have a mole at The Mail, he also seems to share their sophisticated analysis of, you know, stuff:
IDD: The case of Philip Lawrence's murderer being allowed to stay in this country upon his release, because to deport him back to his native Italy would breach his human rights, surely has to call into question the future of this fault-ridden piece of legislation.

LOL: Absolute tosh Iain. In every progressive sense of the word "native" Mr Chindamo is a native Brit. He came here as a small child, he does not speak Italian, and Thatcher and Major's Britain made him what he was 12 years ago. Which was a 15-year-old monster, albeit one with connections and influence on another dozen young outsiders. Graphic above from the Telegraph 1997. Click to enlarge.
IDD: Listening to Philip Lawrence's widow this morning, there can surely be few people who would argue that this Act has failed her and her two children.
LOL: They may feel that to be the case but as intelligent human beings they do not really believe it. Quite a difference.
IDD: What about THEIR human rights?
LOL: Indeed. Should any of the Lawrence family move abroad within the EU with a small child, should that child go astray in a context of that countries governance and culture, should the child commit a serious crime, and should the grown up child be rehabilitated, a model prisoner, released with huge potential to make a contribution to the life of the only country they know, they too would and should get that chance.
IDD: The right to live in peace and security and free from the fear that one day they might run into their beloved husband's and father's murderer.
LOL: This is an unfounded fear in various ways. This man - now 27 years of age and we're told showing great emotional intelligence and positive leadership AWAY FROM VIOLENCE - is not a threat to them. This man is not sworn to hound them, live in their street, rub their nose in anything.
In fact he is we're told completely rehabilitated and potentially someone who can make a contribution to reducing mayhem and murder in our streets. His charisma and power over others, apparently a huge problem in his former life, is now a potential boon to British Society.
He could very likely save other families from the pain and suffering he knows he has caused to the Lawrence family. By all accounts he has already been doing that by demonstrable mentoring of fellow prisoners.
Finally on this one ... There are say Fifty Four (count 'em) Fundamental Rights we all hope to enjoy. Clearly these have to be balanced one with another. They cannot all be upheld for everyone all of the time. Free speech is an area full of examples of the need to balance liberties and responsibilities. There is NO RIGHT in there to having someone that has wronged you moved to a different country. Suggesting there is is lazy commentary. It is poppycock.
IDD: I hope the Home Office will use their right to appeal this case, because the precedent it sets will be of huge importance.
LOL: They will do. But sadly Tony McNulty doesn't seem to understand this situation any better than the Tory commentati. Except perhaps that he must appeal to dog whistle enthusiasts rather than try to explain law and moral philosophy he does not understand himself.
IDD: PS Mr Chindamo was sentenced to life for Philip Lawrence's murder. He will be released after twelve years.
LOL: That does not actually seem absurd to me. Rich men are getting away with murder every day on building sites, railway sidings and in factories. They don't even go to prison for one day most times over heinous industrial accidents. Premeditated profit over care for fellow human beings. Not to mention murder with cars and 2-year-bans from driving. Arguably far more culpable than the rage and foolishness of youths excluded from society.
IDD: So a headmaster's life is only worth twelve years.
LOL: All equal under the law. With the possible exception of certain emergency services, and I'm not sold on that, this is as it should be. What are you implying Iain? That a headmaster's death is somehow worth a substantially longer sentence than any other category?
IDD: That is perhaps just as big a scandal as the abuse of the Human Rights Act.
LOL: Please explain. What abuse of the Human Rights Act?

There is an opportunity here Iain. Last week (13 August edition) The New Nation covered the huge potential benefit to British Society from turning round the "problem" of black boys and youth in general. (Also of course Bo-Jo's appalling profile when it comes to London's real issues.)
You may have seen Jesse Jackson on C4 News; and related coverage of a rather bizarre, yet beautiful all the same, attempt to turn youth onto US Treasury Bonds and the markets as a better place to take their risks than in drug gangs.
Prison is supposed to rehabilitate as well as punish. If rehabilitation has been achieved in this case and adverse experience can be turned to good use I'm all for it. That's life.
It would be fantastic to see Mrs Lawrence 1 and Mrs Lawrence 2 uniting in their grief and helping our society to get over these huge problems. If deporting Learco Chindamo is the answer you're asking completely the wrong question.