Tory Twittery: Bleating at Clever (?) Labour Flier
Have no idea whether the Tory Toff line (e.g. flier, right) is helping in the Crewe and Nantwich. But I do think the Tories are bleating about it far too much. They have a Toff for leader riding high in the polls. Their Toff candidate has beaten Ken in London, albeit quite narrowly. And their allegedly wonderful shadow (or shallow) cabinet are mostly Old Etonians and the like. In other words the electorate, or at least the poll-ectorate, are not even slightly put off by the Toff-iness of the so-called New Wave Tories, with Morrissey on their ipods 'n'all. What's more ET only went to Uppingham and
OxfordDurham, poor dear. Not even sure he made it into the Bullingdon or the Piers Gaveston as a guest. Perhaps not ET's kind of wheeze with his halo and all? Do you know different?
Anyways, it is beyond belief that Conservative Boy Bloggers or "Con Men" for short are making such a fuss about this banter.
As far as I can see there has still not been any reaction from Tory leadership of Boy Bloggers to an absolutely outrageous juxtaposition of Tory and Hizb_ut-Tahrir literature (similar to that below, left) in Manchester.Yes, one of your candidates in Manchester's Town Hall elections two weeks ago had helpers dishing out Hizb_ut-Tahrir leaflets. These claimed the Qur'an was to be banned and coincidentally carried a picture of Brown on them (just to smear him by his being pictured with Bush). As it goes Brown is rightly unwilling to consider banning this suspect organisation without proper evidence, the BNP are worse, while Cameron would do ... yet allows his activists to consort with HuT to win votes from some small c conservative Punjabis.
Now that's what I call worrying. Calling Tories Toffs is not in the same ball park. And claims that Tamsin Dunwoody is any way more posh or privileged than ET - the heel bar billionaire - are frankly stupid. And smearing grandad ditto.